JoinedPosts by TheSilence
Happy Fourth of July a few days early
by TheSilence in
enjoy ;).
Matters of concern with my time spent as part of the jehovah's witness cult
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. inas i reflect on my time spent as a jw, there are certain issues that continue to disturb me about my conduct and lifestyle as a member of that so-called 'religion'.. from the outset, let me state that i did not suffer any physical, sexual, or mental abuse from any members of the cult, that so unfortunately was inflicted upon many persons who now can gladly consider themselves as ex-members of that sorry excuse for a humane (or godly, whichever way you prefer to recognise it) organisation.
certainly, there were conflicts of personality, and some bad business dealings, but, really, i consider that i 'got off lightly' from the fifteen or so years i wasted as a member.. one thing is certain - that no-one, i repeat, no-one, can spend any time as part of that cult and, who manages to escape, who will come away unscathed.
all will carry some form of scar.. so what are my concerns?
Hello, Cheeses,
I would like to address one line of your post. Speaking of your sons you said:
Rightly, they feel some resentment to my wife and I as parents for the strife they endured as witness children.
My dad raised me as a witness and I went through all the things you mentioned. Eventually one has to accept a few facts in life. Our parents are not perfect. My dad was is a victim, too. He did wrong things to me that hurt and that I will never forget in the name of the witnesses... but he did them for the right reasons. He truly believed he was doing what he had to do to save my life, he did them because of his love for me.
I hope your sons appreciate the fact that you were strong enough as parents to get out. To this day I can see the pain and fear in my dad's eyes that his god will kill me at armageddon. Your sons have a safe place to talk about the effects this religion had on them to real people who understand, not everyone is so lucky.
Please don't feel guilty that you made a mistake. You were a victim and you did the best you could with the situation you were in.
I hope one day I can say the same thing to my own dad ;)
Why I Joined the Jehovah's Witnesses!
by Swan inwhen i think about the answer, i can't understand their current mistreatment of me.
i don't understand why i am being shunned by my family and the jws.
i don't understand why they call me an apostate.
This was excellent... deserves to be at the top for a bit ;)
Post your ugly mug
by SC_Guy inok, this is kind of a silly thread... but... since i haven't seen any really recent "post your photo" threads, i'll start one.
you know how it goes... post a recent picture of yourself - don't be fooled by the topic title, lol... it doesn't have to be ugly.
ok, me first... ugly mugshots are easy for me to take being that i am just utterly hideous.
Escape THIS !
by Simon intook me best part of an hour, quite good though.
You can't go directly into the fireplace. There will be a glowing spot on the floor you have to get it onto, and each time you get it onto the glowing spot it will move. Once you do it enough times the glowing spot is in the fireplace.
Hope this helps ;)
Escape THIS !
by Simon intook me best part of an hour, quite good though.
:::doing a happy dance for having finished:::
OK, I actually Saw the Passion
by Yerusalyim injust came home from seeing...the passion...after the movie there was a question and answer session with two rabbis that viewed it with us...and three priests from my parish...more on that at another time...though both rabbis said in their opinion the movie is not antisemetic, but that it could (would) stir up antisemetic feelings in those who already possessed them.. the movie was an overall good one.
it was interesting trying to figure out some of the symbolism...what did the baby represent???
i think i know, but i'd like to hear mel's take on it.. pretty gory stuff, not quite what i thought it would be, but still quite yucky.
Little Toe,
No worries or need apologize... I tend to get soap-boxy from time to time ;)
OK, I actually Saw the Passion
by Yerusalyim injust came home from seeing...the passion...after the movie there was a question and answer session with two rabbis that viewed it with us...and three priests from my parish...more on that at another time...though both rabbis said in their opinion the movie is not antisemetic, but that it could (would) stir up antisemetic feelings in those who already possessed them.. the movie was an overall good one.
it was interesting trying to figure out some of the symbolism...what did the baby represent???
i think i know, but i'd like to hear mel's take on it.. pretty gory stuff, not quite what i thought it would be, but still quite yucky.
Definately not ... for those who don't believe in Jesus, they are just going to pick it apart anyways, because they don't believe.
Interesting, huh?
For all the claimed "open-mindedness", they just can't help but "have a go".
Rather than at least just accept it for an adaptation of literature, they seem to feel an overpowering desire to lambast.I don't necessarily believe in Jesus. I don't necessarily *disbelieve* in him, either, but I imagine I would qualify for the group of people discussed above.
I have not picked apart the movie, had a go, felt or acted upon an overpowering desire to lambast.
You are making these statements based upon the statements of a few. Most non-religious people who I know who have seen the movie did none of those things, but were interested in the movie itself and whether or not it affected them or changed their opinions in any way.
For myself, my interest has been trying to discover if my reaction to the movie was simply a normal way to deal with the level of violence that was portrayed or if my reaction was more to do with how I am because of growing up in the cult we all know and love.
"Passion of the Christ", another review
by MegaDude inthis film is intense.
as you've read by now, the film depicts the last 12 hours in jesus' life.
everything you've heard about the graphic violence of this film is true.
I didn't feel it was anti-semitic at all.
Survivor All-Stars Week 3 -- WARNING: SPOILERS ;)
by TheSilence in.
i just have to say i felt so bad for jenna.
it just hit too close to home after watching my mom deal with cancer through last year.. i'm glad she left... she did what she had to do and she can be at peace with her decision.. jackie
I just have to say I felt so bad for Jenna. It just hit too close to home after watching my mom deal with cancer through last year.
I'm glad she left... she did what she had to do and she can be at peace with her decision.