To Kill a Mockingbird - because you have to love and admire Atticus Finch
Snowflower and the Secret Fan - because it was a glimpse into another culture
Memoirs of a Geisha - for the same reason as above
The Earth Children Series comprised of The Clan of the Cave Bear, The Valley of the Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, The Plains of Passage, and The Shelters of Stone - because when I read them as a teenager I identified with a girl being brought up in a male dominated environment with ideals that were completely against my nature, and because Jean Auel based a lot of her stories around actual archealogical (sp?) sites and I found that very interesting
The Lord of the Flies - because it's a look into what human nature can be
Of Mice and Men - simply because it's touching
The Secret History - because even though you know what happens from the beginning you need to find out what leads to it
The Alchemist - because there were a few simple lines and truths that resonated with me
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister - because the other side of the story is always a fascinating thought, and of MacGuire's books that I've read I enjoyed this one the most
Many of Poe's short stories including Silence--A Fable the top of my head