that is of course until the wt finishes developing the Society Implanted Manipulations (Sims) and their Pioneer family:
Object of game is to get through stages 1-5 as many times as possible without been blown up by the free minded non-assimilated.
Level 1:Keeping your eye simple: build the most modest house in the most run down suburb, or for double points lease the most run down house and never own anything of value.
Level 2: Creating Pioneers for the service: create children who will never enjoy the simple things of life, who will be hassled by their peers until they leave high school at the minimum age without a sufficient education to obtain gainful employment, for double points, have all the family work as cleaners for less than minium wage with hand outs from the government.
Bonus Level:
Level 3: Keeping busy in the service: go forth and assimilate the neighbourhood rejecting any intelligent rebuttal never questioning the Force, for double points, love bomb the unsuspecting neighbours, for triple points, reprogram the neighbours and set them on their game starting at level 1.
Level 4: Reaching Out: Make all males in the family MSs or Elders get them involved in all aspects of the game until they forget about their family and achieve complete washed mind status, for double points, make the females servant like without opinion and braided hair.
Level 5: Where the need is great: Marry off offspring to most uneducated assimilated partner as young as possible, for double points, send offspring and partner to isolated area where assimilation is nonexistent to start process of level 1.