Topics Started by JNS2
Do You Think You'll See Your Dead Loved Ones Again
by minimus in.
do you think that you will see your dear loved ones come back to life in a ressurection of some sort or do you think there is no hope of such a thing?
WE ARE ALONE.....or are we?
by JNS2 inone of the things that i think i was supposed to believe all my years in the organization was that the earth is the only inhabited planet.
am i right in this or am i having a flashback???
is there other life in the universe?
Too close to home
by JH inwhen you were going from door to door, did you hate knocking at doors in your neighbourhood?
i wonder if the elders did on purpose to distribute territories so that you would have to be working in your neighbourhood.. often i noticed that elders gave me a territory in my neighbourhood, just to see if i would be ill at ease.
maybe they wanted to know if i had worldly friends in my neighbourhood.
Living With A JW.
by Englishman inthis is a very good, un-biased essay.
well worth reading:.
Sing out the Kingdom songs!!!
by JNS2 inremember all the counsel to sing out the songs?
that's great except so many of us couldn't sing our way out of a paper bag.
i remember visiting a congregation in colo. & a sister was really following the counsel, top of her lungs.
nagging doubt
by JNS2 inmy journey from lurker to poster was pretty quick.
all the posts are addicting to read, this is worse than being a couch potato.
i've been fortified to make a clean break & them the little inner voice starts talking back.
Ray Franz' Book
by JNS2 inhowdy, i'm new here.
21 years in & now about 1 year drifted away with no meetings for spiritual food other than the memorial.
so, in my brother's view i am either spiritually dead or the next thing to it.
Long prayers at the hall
by JH inin every congregation there is always a brother who gives a marathon prayer.
in my congregation there was a brother whose prayers were so long that i decided to time his prayer with my watch.
it lasted about 3-4 minutes.
This is fun!!!!
by Aztec infunny test!
i love it!
have a great new year everyone!
Divorced! No Grounds!
by Veovus inmy wife recently filed for divorce after four years of marriage and there is no grounds!
in california you can't contest a divorce and it requires only one signiture to do it.
im twenty three and male.