Hi sKally,
Thanks for your hugs and invitation to chat. I am not e-sophisticated to handle a chat room just yet. I have large sausage-like fingers which strike three keyboards letters simultaneously thus giving me a distinct disadvantage in a chat room---it's a disease I tell ya---e.dyslexia. I have othewise been busy pursuing information on the incoming Sundisc, an object of Russell's Illuminist knowledge and affection, you'll no doubt recall. Latest is that it's sightable outside the solar system somewhere in the Scorpius constellation. My suspicion is that Russell's belief that the rapture was to have occurred first in 1881 then 1883 had more to do with his misunderstanding of WHEN it returns. You'll remember that Russell did not believe that the present watchtower eschatological exegesis of Mathew 24:1-14 was anything more than the repeating patterns of history. He apparently believed that the "sign" was something other than the non-signs now promoted by the watchtower and other heretical groups. In short Russell may have been 120 years out in his calculations for the rapture, an event he believed would ocurr simultaneously with the return of the Sundisc.
Yes, poor Mr. Moser. He does seem a little off-balance; hopefully not suicidal. His research is quite incredible. I have yet to see a website so comprehensive on occultic symbols as his.