Hi Guys, Unfortunately, I don't have the answers for everything otherwise I'd be a cult leader competing with the Watcher organization, right? I was one of those naive ones that believed the bible first and foremost and had serious reservations about what the Brooklyn spinmeisters said it said. When I extricated myself I didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater, as so many now-xjws do. I departed the orwellian world still trying to understand scripture. One of the things that puzzled me from day one, was Jesus statement about the "heavens shaking". I think all of this might be more simple than commentators claim. A commission for Christians was NOT to be calculating dates,(something the WTS does well) but to await the Return of the Master, watchful. The disciples asked for a "sign" (singular) not a composite sign as some claim. Jesus seems to say the only sign marking his imminent Coming was a celestial event,Mat 24:29. The Hebrew scriptures alludes to a literal event as having ocurred previously from which apocalyptic metaphores originate. Jesus, in turn, capitalizes on this centuries old metaphor and turns it into the literalism from which the metaphor originally began. Am I making any sense? As regards scientific theories they're always in flux for the express reason that men don't know. Apparently superior technology to the Hubble exists: It involves manipulating the physical lens on an earth-bound observatory to see even further into space. The Starlifter Kiuper Belt Airborne Observatory back in the early 1980's was flying at high altittudes for the purpose of locating the 10th planet; it's my understanding that it was sighted from whence the December 1983 NASA news report emanated and subsequently quickly withdrawn. And heathen, if it's any consolation, this large star doesn't strike earth so there;s no need to unduly fret.