Hi Derrick,
Blackguard did not imply that the corporate WTS hegemony is satanically inspired. If your comments were 'Freudian' in nature or an allusion that you positively know something to be satanically inspired, I will defer. I did, however, imply they are satanically linked. I will consider to point you to some pertinent information. I am presuming that you are a jaydub or jaydub sympathizer. As such I am forced to presume that "definitive proof" and "solid evidence" for you is based upon the say-so of authority, especially authority structures that lay claim to represent God and produce literature which competes with God's word. I further presume that solid evidences and definitive proofs for you is akin to the always in-flux watch tower prophecy and doctrinal exegsis as determined solely by the authority of corporate-like WTS hegemonies. In other words, ANY group or individual, incorporated or not, that claims to represent God and maintains a track record of failed prophecy and altered dogma will suffice for you as the source of evidences?
Do you see the difficulty I would have in directing you to evidences? If you do not wish your peace of mind to be disturbed do not pursue these matters---do the ostrich. If you can rise above your conditioning and want to know, I recommend you do some diligent research into the origins of (i) the corporate WTS, it's predecessor (ii) the unicorporated Zion's Watch Tower with Conley as President and Russell as secretary and (iii)Russell's own background, his occultic persuasion and connections. Then you might be in a position to trace forward the history of that legal fiction known as the corporate Watch Tower Society Inc. The words, watcher, watchtower, pyramidology, necromancy, golden age, Pleiades, zodiac, age of aquarius, sundisc, Illuminism might give you a good start.
Amazing Jim Whitney once promised to share his research of the myriad watch tower corporations; he said, I recall, it would be "a bombshell". Perhaps he would also respond to a request to post that research
If you're willing to make effort I'll share further information with you and give you my e.maill address if you don't already have it.