Thats a sad situation to hear,but I know first hand that is how it works. Out of site,out of mind.
JoinedPosts by av8orntexas
A real-life dub fairy tale. Happy ending? Not so much.
by parakeet innew light for you started a thread a day or two ago regarding an email that's been circulating around dubdom.
it's a fairy tale in which a 60-year-old guy with down's syndrome supposedly searched for years for dubs to connect with.
when he finally found one, all the dubs rejoiced that jehovah doesn't let his faithful followers down, blah, blah.
Painfully Long Prayers on the last day of the 3-day Conventions.
by blkblk13 inanyone else hate this practice?
uve been sitting all day 4 three days @ this place and u just wanna hurry up and finish ur cleaning assignment so u can go out to eat w/ ur friends, but bro.
special speaker from bethel/or do has to give a one man symposium during his prayer recapping every single moment of the past 3 days.. its like they have this formula that they use to determine how long a prayer should be.
.....that annoyed me a great deal. Excuse me, but I always felt like, "JESUS CHRIST, get it done already. Yeah, that ranks up there are a most annoying aspect of the jw's. Good topic.
You could tell who else felt the same way by how much they rocked from side to side,like ball players during the national anthem,chewing thier gum,ready to get the damn game started. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who thought it was over the top,
I did,but around year 5 or 6 it began to become old. I was always asking myself, "Didn't we go over this ? " I found many talks and meetings to be the same old material, recycled into new words. And often thought of what I was going to do after the meeting or constantly looking at my watch.
I found meetings hard to get through, especially since my works days start at 4am ( I work 5-130 ) so carrying the mikes,doing the mag/book room, and all that sort of thing until 10pm lost it's luster.
Field Service, well I pioneered and was was all gungho at first, service EVERY day except sundays. But after 2-3 years of that, I began to burn out and I got tired of bothering people who obviously WERE happy, despite the brothers saying they weren't. If anything, I wished I were THEM. Sleeping in late, when I came waking them up, or enjoying a NORMAL weekend. With service it was like having a 6-7 day work week. I'd drag out of bed as slow as possible and tell my mom I'll meet the group. And get to the hall in juuuuuust enough time to actually 'miss' the group.I kill a few minutes, get a newspaper and something to drink,then head back home and tell my mom I missed the group,but did some RV's. Just in time to catch the college football game of the week.......
embarrassed about having been a witness?
by purplesofa inlast weekend witnesses came to where i work....i work at a barbque restuarant (hey it's fun!
) i recognized two elders before they came in and freaked!!!!!.
the elder obnoxious was at the register and i was sure he did not recognize me.
As an active witness...yeah. No matter what, it seemed like you were the odd man out.....having to explain WHY you can't particpate or partake in what seemed like EVERYTHING, except breathing.
Now, I waaaay more relaxed to be myself, and not Jesus Jr or a robot, trying put on a front that EVERYONE I came across ( Non-JW's ) is wicked and in dire need of salvation. Whooooa...who the HELL was I ? It's embarrassing looking back.
CELTICS are WORLD CHAMPS! 17th banner
by UnConfused ini'll admit i'm in a pretty darn good mood about this.
As a born and raised Bostonian,, sports-wise we've on a nice little run. The Sox and Patriots I didn't see coming anytime soon. And the Celtic's were heading down that road too. 7 years ago Boston sports was sucking on all levels,but.........we ALWAYS show up good or bad teams, and it feels great.
What do you want out of your relationship?
by Bumble Bee ini know there have been alot of threads lately about what men want, what women want etc, but i'd like to hear what you want out of your relationship, be it marriage, living together, or whatever.
what is it you are looking for in a relationship?
what do you want the relationship to fulfill for you individually and as a couple?.
I want HONESTY and a down to earth person. I'm a Bostonian, and a east coast guy,so someone who'll tell it like it is and where I stand. Later for all the BS. I can't tell you how important those qualities are. While it's true you may meet someone whm don't desire to date,but perhaps be friends...that cool. Be honest.
As far as being down to earth.....I've jumped through quite a few hoops, and rolled around. Spare me. I'm the guy next door,not looking to put on aires and vice versa.
Single,no kids,great job, happy-go-lucky, easy going,now in Texas, 6'2" 205, athletic...I'm available !!!
There ya go, if I don't blow my horn, who will ? LOL
JW Women
by Quester55 inwhy are there so many old women in jw world who are so down on men?
my divorce will be finalized next month, it hurt me, but it was and is an unfortunate circumstance of life.
but among the jw women it was assumed that i was happy my marriage had ended so now i would have more time for meetings and field service.
Wish I knew. I met a few sisters who either had had their 'fun' and now wanted to be holy or those who dated jacka** brothers and I paid at their expense. Noentheless, as I always say,dating as A JW was and is a heartache, and painful thing. I don't won't to grow old and alone myself either,but i've come to realize the JW's may not be the place to look for a mate.
WTWizard Re: JW Women Most witless men take the headship principle to the extreme. I can remember one (the one I had the misfortune of studying with) that was like that with his then-wife. She had no autonomy. Whatever he decided, she would be forced along. He decided that she should pioneer, and she had no choice. He would often arrange it for her to be late for work because of field circus. She also had no voice in things like clothing, music, or recreation. He called all the shots, she had to endure them.
I know a brother like that. I remember his sister-in-law called him on it at a gathering at his house, when she asked his wife a question and he immediately answered for her. It was pretty uncomfortable. It's his way or no way,but the thing with him is he's that way with everybody.
I remember being at his house, and her coming home from work one day. I had got off of work and he had invited me by. Well , first thing through the door, he asks about making dinner for us, then He asks her,'hey can you wash my clothes ?" I could tell she was tired,but she answered sure. After she goes in the room,he says, " I've got_______ trained to wash my clothes." All with a little smirk on his face. That really threw me for a loop, because I didn't see that coming from him.
Elders are responsible to take care of lost sheep or they are not?
by asilentone inshow me some quotes from the wt publications that the elders are responsible to take care of lost sheep and they are not responsible for the lost sheep, etc....(flip-flop quotes)
parakeet Re: Elders are responsible to take care of lost sheep or they are not? av8orntexas wrote: "I went of medical leave of absence in NOVEMBER 2006, meeting attendance was slipping as of SEPTEMBER 2006, I've attended about 4-5 meetings between Nov 2006 and now. I've recieved 0 calls since then." Parakeet
It's all good. I would say I'm sorry to hear your situation.But i suppose, it helps one to see the 'real' jw's for who there are. A true friend,or lip service.I think this is the case with many. You may be mentioned in passing in service,but I think few actually try to get out to see what or where some individuals are. We did it a few times while pioneering,but mainly some who may be sick. Other than that, I never recall following up an any who have faded.
Worst Rules
by DoomVoyager inwhat are the worst rules you've ever heard being dispensed from the platform?
"christians do not dance to ymca, as it promotes homosexuality.
"hairstyles that defy gravity also defy joe hoobie.
Don't listen to the Stone Temple Pilots ?????? Never heard that one,but I've got tickets to their Jue 28th Concert here in the Woodlands......some call the elderS.
For me, the being in groups of 3 or more when with the opposite sex, yeah it's obvoius what MIGHT happen,but we had to make some rdiculous trips and driving dropping people off to ensure that rule. Pass my house ,drive 15 miles to drop off sIster so and so, theN drop me off, and drive 20 mikles in the opposite direction home. JE-SUS PLEA-SUS
I remember when Micheal Jordan made his comback, a few black brothers had bald heads, and I don't even think it was directly because of him,but just a timing deal. Well at the 1997 or 98' convention the brothers saying something to the effect of shaving your head would be imitating the world. Did it not occur that it's easy to maintain,or those close to baling just wanting to get over over with. ?
Staying at the hotels of there choice for conventions. I always that that was REAL stupid.
The simple fact that they would say we are FREE to make our own choices.......even though we WEREN'T.
Have u found friendships w/ worldy people be hard?
by blkblk13 inso, i'm embarking on slow fade and i think it's time for me to start making friends w/ some non-jdubs so that i'll have a support network once i decide to be completely out and everyone ive ever known abandons me.
ive always gotten along much better w/ wordly people than jdubs so i'll haveno problem securing friends but im concerned about being to keep them.. i want out of the org for various reasons but i must admit i still believe many of the teachings.
i just think the leadership and organization itself is corrupt.
No most ,find me pretty easy to getb along, really nice,etc.....I'm sure others on here find much of the same. The only thing is they don't judge me for being JW. Either you want to hang out,ctahc a movie,game,etc or noit.
JW's....doesn't matter if you're the nicet person in the world. If you don't attend the hall, your AUTOMACTICALLY wicked. I found while in, I had very few freiends or good friends,but ALWAYS had tons on "wordly" friends who'd invite me places, and for a long time I felt guilty,because surely was not as spritually strong as a should have been,to have elment of 'stans' world wanting to associate with me.
While those not JW's have cliques, I found it ESPECIALLY true with JW's....almost even more so.