You post pictures from meetings/assemblies and conventions on your Facebook page non-stop. Your status updates consists scriptures,field service updates,or theocratic activities.
In conversation you make sure you let others know you how long and when you were out in service, along with what you learned reading a particular magazine. In hopes that everyone will know how 'theocratic' a publisher you are.
You are in awe of 20-something year old boys from Brooklyn with no life skills,tangible future plans,or income when they visit your hall.
Knowing the above about said young want your daughter to marry one like them.
You're 25, pioneering,living at home and have never paid your own car insurance yourself.
You bow your head and close your eyes in prayer while in PUBLIC before eating...........just like the pharisees.
You really believe the answer to why you may be having life problems is because you need to 'study more'.
You go to the elders and MS with nearly all your problems, rather than trust yourself to know what to do.