I might try and get any info they've got about me about me using the data protection act.
But do you think it'd put a blot on my family's record with the JWs if I do? - my mum's inactive but still in and I don't want to create any problems for her.
it still bothers me very much that they are allowed to keep files on us and that we have no right to see the contents.
they can choose to look at them or destroy them, whatever they wish, but our wishes about a file with our name on it, about our lives is not unavailable.
when you change halls a letter is written about you to the next group of men in black.
I might try and get any info they've got about me about me using the data protection act.
But do you think it'd put a blot on my family's record with the JWs if I do? - my mum's inactive but still in and I don't want to create any problems for her.
i just heard this on the news, has anyone else heard it?
i can't find info about it on the web.
i think they said 6 jws were kidnapped, 2 beheaded now.
This happens all the time in the Philippines, I think there's a (non-JW) American Christian couple still there after months... It's horrible and my heart goes out to those still held - but terrorists there *have* released people, so there's a lot of hope.
Of course when this story makes it to the Awake! the fact that it's not just JWs who suffer there will be ignored, it'll just be JWs that get kidnapped or murdered or have their houses and places of worship burned down like what happens there. It'll be persecution specifically against them and another sign that they're right and the New System is coming really really soon...
Yeah JT, I wonder if they were kidnapped for whatever reason and then they said "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" thinking it would save their lives just like it saved the lives of the brothers in Rwanda or wherever it allegedly happened and the kidnappers, being religious nutters thought "Well in that case..." - they let two Muslims go and put a notice on one of the head saying they'd get anyone who doesn't serve Allah afterall.
being raised as a witness, i was taught to have nothing to do with worldly people.
as long as they were not dedicated, baptized worshippers of jehovah, they were considered as wicked ones that would soon be destroyed at armaggedon.
in school and later, at work, i tried to keep a safe distance from anyone not a witness.
I think my family was/still is- and I honestly can't think why they thought that! I was only little when I realised and it really hurt me then and was the first thing that made me think they are bad associations! I used to look around the hall during a meeting and I just couldn't believe those people believed the same things I did!
I doubt this was common knowledge in the congregation as no JWs live close to us and we were the only JWs at our school, but my mum never stopped us playing out with *good* worldly kids and though she dumped some of her friends when she was studying she always stayed in contact with her best friend (since she was 12) but she has never placed mags with her as far as I know.
should you be easygoing?
most people would probably feel that it is a compliment to be thought of as an easygoing person, one with a relaxed, placid, tolerant nature.
however, there is another side to easygoingness.
"Most People would probably feel that it is a compliment to be thought of as an easygoing person"
Most people are going to be killed at Armageddon, so it must be true!
Most people would, y'know, report a pedophile to the police!
i still got my insight books,bible,song book,revelation book,isiahia book,some tracts,awakes @watchtowers.
i did throw a lot of my magz away but still got these,what shall i do keep them,sell them to second hand book store,give to charity shop,or read them all again and brainwash myself with jw ideology.
I flick through the new WTs and Awakes for a giggle and I use the books and mags to check things I've read on the WT quotes site for myself and to show things to people - unlike JWs I don't believe everything I'm told just because I *want* to believe it.
i was wondering if any of you have read this tract that was given out at the district convention .. i found in this tract they are pushing the fulltime ministry more than ever before.
they in so many words say if you are not a fulltime minister you are not serving god.
it stated that youths today should not strive for academic success.
I'm wondering if careers officers or teachers would find this tract very helpful (and infuriating) - if I was the teacher of a JW kid, especially of a very capable one, I'd want to know that they are being encouraged not to continue with their education post 16/18!
now that i am d/a , i now have the freedom to walk into any church or any darn place for that matter, without being afraid the end will come.
i know of a few who go to church , but i wonder what religion you are in now, and why?
my hub is totally agaisnt going to church right now, i can understand that, i know some people come to a point they don't want or need to go.
I will *never* be a follower of *any* religion ever again. Not even if my life depended on it! Religion all a load of rubbish and I've been fooled once and I'm not stupid enough to fall for it a second time.
I sort of half believe in God and half don't. I'd *like* God to exist - for humans not to be in charge... but the idea of God seems too childish and simple and it brings up too many questions: Why did God make us in the first place then? He didn't have to, and we didn't *ask* to be created, so why should we worship Him? Does He feel all insecure and needs to have people tell Him how fantastic He is all the time? Why did He even give us free choice - we wouldn't know any different if He hadn't! If Adam and Eve didn't have free choice they could *never* have sinned and wouldn't have died, so does God just enjoy watching us suffer?!
i just wanted to get some opinions on this matter from everyone.
support here in the states is pretty solid but very weak in europe.
i will make my prediction (ie you know) that we will be having a little sand party within a year.
If Saddam shows them his will they show him theirs? ...
a couple of years ago i got into an conversation with a pioneer about bible translations, i said that the nwt is an american translation (i didn't think this was such a controversial statement!
) and she jumped down my throat about it!
i said "but it's called the new world translation, and "new world" is what europeans used to call north america" and she said "no, it's the new-world translation - because it's for jehovah's witnesses and we will get through to the new system" and while i was trying to reason with her she also said it was a "new world-translation, it's a new translation for all the world".. has anybody else met somebody who thought this?
A couple of years ago I got into an conversation with a pioneer about Bible translations, I said that the NWT is an American translation (I didn't think this was such a controversial statement!) and she jumped down my throat about it!
I said "But it's called the New World Translation, and "New World" is what Europeans used to call North America" and she said "No, it's the New-World Translation - because it's for Jehovah's Witnesses and we will get through to the New System" and while I was trying to reason with her she also said it was a "New World-Translation, it's a new translation for all the world".
Has anybody else met somebody who thought this? Or is she just especially stupid? Or am I...? :)
the following article is lengthy so i highlighted the "intersting" parts.
feel free to just read the highlights.. also, i added some commentary at the end.. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/a43828-2002aug4.html.
housing vouchers no magic key .
When I was 7 my (non-JW) dad kicked me, my mum and my little sister out. In this emergency some JW's came through for us - mum went straight to the home of the sister who brought her into the truth (we have no living family and she was the nearest friend) and she put us up in her home for months until we got a council home.
When we moved in we had no furniture or carpets and no money to buy any, but within days a sister in our cong had found us carpets for all the rooms (my bedroom carpet was and still is a huge rug that was once in the old Kingdom Hall!), and her and my mum cut the living room carpet with child's scissors part of the way (absolutely not kidding), another sister gave us an old sofa and a 2-ring stove until we could get a proper cooker.
Of course this is exactly how Christians are supposed to behave - not necessarily being able to provide things like these sisters did, but at least to offer whatever help they can. But according to the JW's they didn't behave like *their* idea of how Christians should behave *enough*, because I'm pretty sure the sister who helped with the carpets is now DF'd and the one who helped with the sofa and stove *certainly* got DF'd less than 18 months later.
And the vast majority in the cong we had first when we moved to where we are now wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. Many times we'd been badly in need of help (not even financial or material help, just advice or support) and elders there told mum to "pray about it"...
Ugh, glad to be out of it, I just wish people I care about were away from them too... This is my first post - I've been looking what I've written for ages debating whether or not to send this - it's insane but I'm so scared of getting in trouble for posting here! I'm really nervous - it's ridiculous isn't it.