I'm an atheist. Or I believe in God but just think he's really horrible and I really hate him (if the Bible is true) and I don't see why he should be worshipped anyway. So I'm not sure - I'm 99% atheist.
JoinedPosts by glitter
Which scenario makes sense to you?
by Sirona inscenario one: "in the mechanistic view of nature, everything is an artifact made by a boss who has many different names.
in the western view, the boss is called god.
this god is often depicted as a white-bearded male who roams around the sky creating the natural world.
JWs blame everything on demons...
by Pronger ini cannot believe how credulous many jws are regarding the religions near obsession with supernatural beings.
apparently young kids misbehaving is a result of demons.
what irritates me the most is that this woman was more concerned with an alleged person with a "dangerous mind" placing the tract she left back on the car, than the fact that she left two children alone in a parked car.
JW Fears
by freedom96 ini was laughing at the thread talking about the blue smurfs, how demonic they were.
:) it made me remember other stupid phobias the witnesses had, and how easy rumours were to spead around.
one for instance, was the false rumour about proctor and gamble, and how their business emblem/ picture/ whatever you call it was demonic, and how it was the sign of the devil, and to stay away from anything to do with that company.
We weren't allowed ice-cream from Mr Whippy or Mr Softee ice-cream vans because of lecithin, but nobody *said* *lecithin* or knew it was the lecithin that we "weren't allowed" - it was always "Mr Whippy ice cream has got blood in it". So we we only had scoop ice-cream in cones rather than whipped ice-cream from the dispenser thing. Or lollies that were made of ice cream like twisters or strawberry splits. All of which would have had lecithin in them of course.
I remember when we weren't allowed pink iced gems because of cochineal until we were told that crushed beetles "didn't count" as blood.
Jesus H Christ
by kenpodragon injesus h christ.
when people say this, i have to ask ... what does the h stand for?.
any clue?.
This is one story I heard - Mark Twain worked in a printers and he was printing up some stuff for the local vicar and he had run out of space, so he changed some of the times is said "Jesus Christ" to "JC" and when the vicar saw it he was angry and said "how dare you shorten the name of our Lord!!!" and demanded it was reprinted, so Mark Twain went and changed it all back to Jesus' full name - Jesus H Christ.
JW Fears
by freedom96 ini was laughing at the thread talking about the blue smurfs, how demonic they were.
:) it made me remember other stupid phobias the witnesses had, and how easy rumours were to spead around.
one for instance, was the false rumour about proctor and gamble, and how their business emblem/ picture/ whatever you call it was demonic, and how it was the sign of the devil, and to stay away from anything to do with that company.
M.E illness amongst jehovahs witnesses?
by haujobbz in.
i have always wondered why so many jws i knew suffered from the illness "m.e" previous to being a jw i never heard of this illness but when joining the borg i noticed noticed so many jws saying all of a sudden they had m.e maybe its a jw disease trend.
anyhow what does m.e stand for.. haujobbz
*Gentle!Hugs* to Mimilly
I've had M.E. severely since I was 14 years old (just turned 21 now). It's ruined my life. It's left me without an education (I never missed school, and was predicted all As in my GCSEs - didn't take any in the end), I can't walk further than across a room (on a *good* day. I used to run every morning), I lost friends because semi-consciousness is not fun (I was popular - made loads of new friends though, but it was very hard to lose the old ones), and I'm almost entirely dependant on help to do almost ANYTHING. I didn't get this dreadful illness to get out of school, or growing up, or meetings (was already attending infrequently), or anything else.
There's no cure and no proven treatment. And it was *not* self-diagnosed - I was a healthy active child and then suddenly I just couldn't get out of bed - and I'd never heard of M.E. before, I didn't have a clue what was wrong with me or that it would last this long!
I'm not crazy (it's official!) - genuine M.E. diagnosis is reliant on there being no underlying health problems of any kind that could cause the smptoms.
*However* I've come across many people with "M.E." who are suprisingly active. If you hang about M.E. support groups you'll see them - "My M.E. is very very severe but I find doing Karate and riding my bike helps" or "I've been completely bed-bound for months - look at this cool pic of me up a mountain on holiday last week!" Both of those actually happened, btw.
So yes, there are people who fake it, but there are people who will try to fake anything.
Every person who genuinely have M.E. I've met cannot *stand* those who are just faking it - because if you have M.E. it's *very* hard to get taken seriously by doctors or by disability benefits agencies - *because* they see so many who are faking it.
You can *die* of complications due to M.E. ---> This girl wasn't faking it, unless she faked herself to death: http://www.ahmf.org/
Apostates=people who want to get revenge against
by teenyuck ini got this e-mail from my mother.
i sent her coc and many, many docs documenting all the false prophocies.
she does not want any part of the real "truth.
My mum's still in but listens to the evidence against them and believes it (Panorama had her in tears), but won't hear anything said against the GB because "I won't turn my back on Jehovah".
Just keep trying and don't give up, I'm not going to give up on my mum.
Just go so slowly she hardly notices her attitudes are changing - that's how they sucked her into the cult in the first place.
by minimus inlately, i see a trend going on regarding how congregation members view the elders.
more and more, i hear people say "i wouldn't tell anything to the elders if they questioned me.years ago all an elder had to say is "we want to talk with you" and a meeting commenced.
now, there is a view that the elders can't tell me what to do anymore.
Never was scared of elders, I just *really* disliked them (not a fan of authority in general) - I don't know if I ever thought of them as any more "important" than anyone else (got let down by them too often), and I never got told off by one for any more than running in the hall or something and probably only once or twice.
I'm worried about my mum getting disfellowshipped for something and it being my fault for coming here or showing her the UN stuff or using her card to buy "Crisis of Conscience" because the online store doesn't take mine. I think I'm scared of the power they have over people.
by bay64me ini'd like to dedicate this post to a wobble-headed 'brother' that i once shared congregations with.. he, (being a ministerial servant son of an elder,) age=approx 28,obviously had a magnitude of social deficiencies, most of which were tolerable as, we could choose when we were in his immediate company.. his main problem was his short fuse when around children as he seemed to deem it necessary to pin them up against a wall and slap them across the face while out on field service!
(which is pretty bad in itself.
}......but that's a story for another time!.
There was a weird guy in our cong - he was very disturbed (but baptised!!!) and used to sort of work his way around the cong "befriending" the girls (aged 10 to 16) each time they got weirded out he moved on to another. I don't know if he actually abused any of them, but he certainly seemed very attracted to children (used to stand across the road and watch the kids leave my school at lunctimes). We didn't find out he'd been warned away by nearly every other family until he'd been stalking me and my little sis for about 2 years - my mum thought that as he was a baptised JW he "must be completely harmless and just a little immature and in need of friends" and she only told him to leave us alone after she was there when he told my little sister (about 12 at the time) that he was going to climb through her bedroom window and stab her to death with a screwdriver!!!
My mum was so sucked in by the JWs at the time that she phoned one of the other mothers in the cong for advice (and then found it had happened over and over!) and spoke to an elder (who did nothing) and she never even asked the police for advice (never mind reported him to them) or warned the school!
He's still attending meetings.
what did you miss in order to attend meetings?
by jack2 infor me, it was the nfc championship game three years ago in order to attend the meeting, then, on top of that, the elders had *scheduled* a meeting for that day as well, to discuss the co visit.
then there was a "supplemental" elder's school held a few years back that took me away from the afc title game.
oh, i taped the stuff, but time-shift recording of sports just doesn't cut it.
"Eastenders" on Tuesdays and Thursdays *and* the repeat on Sunday if the meeting was in the afternoon! Not that I was actually allowed to watch it back then, but that's what "homework" and the BW portable telly that was in mum's room were for!
And of course every Saturday/Sunday morning kids TV show there was until we got a VCR.
Edited by - glitter on 22 August 2002 22:48:7