I am!
JoinedPosts by glitter
England Anyone??
by ScoobySnax inok, i'm being lazy coz i know i could do a search, but i'm in a posting mood, and its nice to get replies!
so.......who on this forum is from england?
i know ballistic, and englishman is.....rumour has it that someone called "simon the almighty" might be.....but maybe thats hearsay....
Question for Brits
by Francois in.
i've always wanted to know: what is a moor?.
please & thanks.
Graham Norton is miles funnier.
Question for Brits
by Francois in.
i've always wanted to know: what is a moor?.
please & thanks.
Who the hell is Ali G?? Should I let my kids watch him??
Ali G is a character invented by a comedian called Sacha Baron Cohen - he's a parody of young white men who are into the whole Gangsta thing.
He's not a kid's entertainer even though many kids watch his programmes and have watched his film. Ali G is very funny sometimes, but uses really bad language and stuff and can be offensive to some people (women, racial minorities, the disabled) - so it just depends on what you allow them to watch and what you don't and how likely they are to copy it at school and get yelled at.
Anyway, watch it and see what you think.
Cute animation/game
by glitter in.
i swear this isn't one of those ones where the scary face jumps out at you and screams!
I swear this isn't one of those ones where the scary face jumps out at you and screams! :)
Hindley dies - can such evil be forgiven?
by Matty innobody in the history of crime in britain has really provoked such raw emotion as myra hindley and ian brady.
they were responsible for some of the most horrific instances of torture and murder of children that has ever been known.
however, in recent years myra hindley has shown "remorse" for what she did and had subsequently become a "christian".
Abosultely wonderful news. I hope she suffered - it's just a pity she died in a hospital bed instead of alone in her cell.
There is still a mother who hasn't even got her son's body back because they "forgot" where they buried him on the moor. Hindley is now way deserving of forgiveness or sorrow. She wasn't sorry - if she was sorry she wouldn't have wanted to live, never mind be released.
Life sentences should mean LIFE.
? about JW Brit Football players
by ApagaLaLuz inalright, long story short.
i was at my parents house the other night.
my mom has been sick, and they have their jw friends from england visiting.
I think it's Tony Adams from Arsenal (you were close! ). I don't *know* if he's definitely baptized yet, but I heard he was interested (dunno if that's true). He's had a lot of problems in his personal life because of alcohol and stuff, so no wonder God's Clean Organization (ugh) and Everlasting Life looked like good prospects.
Edited by - glitter on 13 November 2002 17:29:50
Will I Have To Hold My Breath Until April?
by Englishman innow come on you good people whom love football, my team are looking good enough to take the title, eh?.
whad'ya think, anyone want to suggest some other team?.
Sheffield United will be promoted!!! Scabby old Wednesday however will spend the next few seasons plummeting hilariously to the Conference.
Oooh Zenpunk, I bet your home was a happy one last night then!
This solution provides oxygen-carrying capacity in exactly the same way that blood cells in hemoglobin do.
God I hope that was a typo or that's the most stupid doctor on the planet.
What do you suggest I do about this?
by Mulan inmy 90 year old jw mother told a friend of mine this yesterday: "marilyn said that not a day goes by that she doesn't regret leaving the truth.
" my friend called me to report it to me, because she knows better.. what i told mom is this: "i hope someday i will come to a time when i can forget i was ever a jw, and don't think about it every day.".
she got something different out of it than what i intended.. i don't care that she told this particular friend, but i would hate it if she is saying that to other people in her congregation.
What if you correct what she said to someone and either they or somebody they tell betrays you (even accidentally) to the elders? You could get DF'd for apostasy or something then your mum might not talk to you. I think you should just let her tell people what she wants to believe.
Has anyone got this in email?
by Been there in.
deleted by been thereedited by - been there on 13 november 2002 4:6:12.
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