1. There was an elder in my old cong who severely beat and tortured his pregnant wife all the time. Eventually she had the courage to leave him and was spirited away late in the evening by two other elders to our house in the country - far away and due to the circumstances that led to us moving there, not many people knew the address. My mum was her friend, knew the situation, had got away from my abusive dad herself, and we had plenty of room, so the elders knew the best place for her to be at that time was with us.
Unfortunately, the husband got to one of the people that did know it before us or the elders could warn her not to tell him (we had no phone then) and he turned up at about midnight and basically forced his way into the house and dragged his wife (who is all of about 4ft 11ins tall) and his young daughter (5 or so at the time and was asleep in her PJs in my little sister's room) out to his car.
The next Sunday, my mum was shunned at the hall because of "interfering" in this fine man's marriage - you see he was related by blood or marriage to most of the most prominent JWs in the city if not the *county* and they evidently thought how he was treating his wife was fine, after all, they had never stepped in to help her. The shunning went on for all the time my mum regularly attended.
And apart from some people leaving when he did a talk, nothing was done about him and he is still married and is still an elder. And his poor daughter is now a baptised JW.
2. This was just last week: A man who had to change congs because of vicious untrue rumors about his wife and a collegue couldn't make his own meeting because of work commitments and instead went to another. An elder from his old hall (who is a stupid childish d*ckhead b*stard at the best of times) was visiting and conducting the study and when the man raised his hand to comment (a very difficult thing for him to do at the best of times because of confidence and depression problems) the prat of an elder (who knew him) said "Oh who is this stranger? Shall we let him answer? What do you think?" and things like that to thoroughly show him up infront of the whole room just because he wasn't attending the "correct" hall! Just a stupid and spiteful way of acting.
Of course there are loads and loads more. Some/most elders are such idiots, yet at the time and even sometimes now they feel so important and powerful, more "in-charge" of you than teachers or the police!