LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys/gals CRACK me up!!!! LB, you are one of a kind! LOL!!!! Theenie, don't ever change!!! LOL!!!
Posts by Lin
by Adonai438 inwe can't be with lin in person for her big day but we can use her as an exuse to have a little fun *grin*.
every day until her big day i'm going to post a bridal shower game/activity .
-if i can find enough-lol- .
Chicago, Waukegan, North Chicago and Los Angeles
by sableindian inlooking for folks in the waukegan, north chicago and south side of chicago area.
also los angeles morningside congregation.
Well, I attended the Palatine Congregation (north suburb), Burbank Congregation (southwest suburb) for many years.
Til death do us part - divorce
by Lady Lee inwedding vows .
til death do us part
(note: although i speak about women here this can easily be reversed) .
Lady Lee and Utopian, this was my experience too. I stayed married to an abusive jw man for fifteen long years. After he would hurt me, he'd cry big crocodile tears and beg me to forgive him etc and for a long time I didn't feel I a choice BUT to forgive him and believe all that baloney he was spewing. I honestly don't know how I came to the firm decision that I would divorce my husband despite what the religion/elders/family and the fact that I have/had six children to provide for, but I somehow did it.
After everything I had been put through, I vowed I would never again be with a man who would hurt me. I became extremely "picky" about the man I would date, and at the first hint or red flag that indicated the man had/has a violent temper he was history. Sometimes it would become clear within a very short time, days even after going out the first time, when they'd make derogatory comments about their ex or previous girlfriend etc. I figure, if they'll talk about them that way, he'll talk about me that way.
I met and went out/dated for nine long years before I found the "right one". I'm so glad I was picky. I wish I could understand better how and why so many woman go from one abusive relationship to the next, somehow believing that's all they deserve. I just don't understand. I will never suffer that way again.
Let The Lambs Tell Us What They Need.
by Englishman inthis isn't about the running of
this is about the people themselves who have been abused.
this is from someone who has never suffered from abuse, who is trying to understand the needs of those who have.. how can those who have not been abused help those of us here who have, and what can we do that would be really useful to those persons?.
I guess I feel much like RevMalk in that helping others has helped me too. Helping someone else by really being able to understand and empathize with their experiences, giving them a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, etc helps them and helps me too. Each of us heal in different ways and stages, and no one can be rushed or pushed. I think everyone here has been wonderful in allowing many of us "lambs" to say what we feel, what we've experienced, letting us vent or rage without fear of how others will react to our comments. Many of our stories are similar in some ways and in other ways they're so different, but they still happened to us. For me, being a "lamb" and having children who are "lambs" is a very difficult and heart-wrenching thing to deal with. Dealing with my own memories and pain, and then to also deal with those of two of my children sometimes causes me to want to scream out obscenities into the air. Yet at the same time, I find great personal comfort in helping others who've experienced much the same or similar things as I.
What If We Are All Wrong?
by SpannerintheWorks inludicrous as it may seem, the watchtower society may be right?...
as so much of their doctrines are based on interpretation.. the watchtower society may have interpreted the bible... correctly!
I've been asked that very question before and my only response is, If THAT is "true religion" then I'd RATHER BE DEAD at Armageddon.
Garage Sale Tips? Ideas? Suggestions?
by Prisca inerm, i believe garage sales are also known as yard sales in the states?
anyway, i'm planning on holding a garage sale in a month's time, as i will be moving and i want to get rid of my junk, as well as hopefully raise some few much-needed $$$.. those of you who have held them, what advice do you give?
any tips on making it more profitable?
Hi Prisca,
Lady Lee's post was definitely a good one. I highly recommend having a couple people with you as helpers, watching for shoplifters etc, but you hang onto the money in a pouch purse around your waist. Don't pull out wads of money to give change, I've heard of sooo many robberies at garage sales it ain't funny. I've had several garage/yard sales myself and it went wonderfully. Hang some signs in nearby laundrymats/apartments etc to advertise, those ladies in there waiting for their laundry would love a diversion! If you have a friend with a pickup truck, have them handy to assist with furniture too if necessary. Good luck to ya!
by hamptonite21 ini have been researching the greyhound breed.
does any one have a italian greyhound or greyhound?
my application is in for a retired or rescue dog.
Sorry, no. We have three dogs, one a yellow lab and the other two are big black rotwielers (sp?) mean as hell.
Were you born into the jw faith?
by nakedmvistar inhow many of you on this forum were born into the jw faith?
do you think this put you at a disadvantage when leaving the org.
do you think that someone who becomes a witness later in life would have an easier time adjusting back to a "normal" life?
I was born and raised in it, third generation. Leaving the org was a tough decision to make, considering it meant losing everyone I ever knew and basically thrown into a world I was taught to fear. Surprisingly though, it wasn't difficult to make good friends with "worldly people", even though as a witness I was taught there are only true friendships in the jw org...gag choke laughing sarcastically!!!
Some things I've felt rather naive about, not having had experience with before. I love the holidays, yet I didn't know what to DO!, how to decorate or even how to "trim a tree". I used to copy what I saw in magazines, LOL. I really like celebrating friends birthdays and my kids birthdays, yet none of them ever remember mine or send a card, etc. But, I really enjoy Christmas time the most, and love driving around looking at all the lights and yard art, etc.
It was a difficult yet easy decision to make to leave, and I'm not regretting it one bit!
Time for a new Org for THE silent lambs?
by Prisca inthe actions of bill bowen over recent months have lead many to conclude that he is more interested in his organisation, silentlambs, rather than the issue of protecting and supporting the silent lambs.
as kismet said:the vehicle has been poorly identified as being of support to victims of abuse rather than it actually being an activist organization intent on changing policy through the media and the courts and public pressure .
I agree with Simon that we already have things in place, and each plays an important part. I think Lambsroar is coming along great, with the new counselor etc and many great people as support to victims. It takes time to build things and get people involved, and get public awareness so victims can be helped. But I think things are coming along quite nicely.
If YOUR Child Was A Pedophile, What Would You Do?
by minimus inwe have shown an abhorrence to pedophiles, and rightfully so, but how would you view pedophilia if your own son or daughter was either a known pedophile or displayed abnormal feelings for children?
This thread describes MY situation. My second child, now 21, was the victim of an M.S. when he was in second grade. He then became a teenager who molested my youngest daughter. So now I have a son/victim/molester and a daughter/victim. My son molested my youngest daughter. Both molester and victims are my own children.
When I first found out, my son had just moved to Chicago with his father. Good thing too, because the rage I felt was tremendous, and I probably would have beat him down real bad. Mind you, my son did not reveal what happened to him until after he was sent to jail, so dealing with that didn't come until later.
The police had been informed by a school counselor and then they called me in to tell me. The police then informed my ex to get my son back to Dallas for the trial. I had to testify against my son, and so did my daughter in sickening detail. My son spent the entire time denying everything and was very defiant in his attitude, which the judge was very angry about needless to say. Before the trial began and we were all seated in the courtroom, we could hear my son ranting and raving at his defense lawyer that his sister will have to testify against him and that he's not admitting nothing.
Do I still love my son, as the original question asked? Yeah, it's there. But it's also not the same sense from before. He's my son and he was hurt, but he also hurt my daughter. Her life is changed now too, because of him. If my own daughter wasn't the victim of my son, it would probably be different in some respects than what others have already posted. But my feelings are torn about my son. I love him, yet it's different now. Maybe as time goes by things will get better. He's just been released after serving four years and has several years of parole to do. I guess to be open and honest, I would have to say my love for my son is as if he were my nephew; I love him but it's different.
My son is a habitual liar and manipulator, one not to be trusted. This was finally discovered by his counselors while in jail, and he ended up serving an xtra year than what he would have had to. The original sentence was twelve years with a minimum of three served. He was caught stealing and selling someone's prescription meds while in jail, so served another year. He's out now, and living in Dallas. I have seen him twice since he got out of jail, and I hope he will create a good life for himself. He just moved out of the Half Way house into a roommate situation, but immediately found the roommate is heavily into drugs, which of course could get my son in serious trouble, guilt by association or something. He told me he feels like he's still 16, which makes sense because his life came to a stop at sixteen when he was arrested and put on trial. He's also making 16 yr old decisions, and no one can suggest or tell him different because he'll get mad if you show even the slightest facial expression indicating disagreement and he won't talk to you for months. So my relationship with my son is strained to say the least.
I hope none of you have to answer the question what would you do if your child molested one of your other children. It's tough, real tough.