jriz, that is a deep deep thought!
......i never wanted to hear from anyone ever again!
this weekend was a terrible weekend.
my husband and i were just bickering and fighting all weekend.
jriz, that is a deep deep thought!
......i never wanted to hear from anyone ever again!
this weekend was a terrible weekend.
my husband and i were just bickering and fighting all weekend.
Dj, nil and love, you are so right. I am probably overly excited to get into the holidays, mostly for the kids.
But, i didnt really stop to think about his feelings.
Jriz, i appreciate that too, but he did ask me what i was going to get him for his birthday, because he took me out last month for mine. So i do see he probably wants to, but is still alittle afraid.
Thanks again for the advise.
......i never wanted to hear from anyone ever again!
this weekend was a terrible weekend.
my husband and i were just bickering and fighting all weekend.
thanks you guys. That is exactly what i said to him last nite. That he owes it to himself to do the research. All i ever heard him say in our 10 yrs together when it comes time to prove something, is he will say, well that's what THEY taught us. And my thing is, that is what they say, NOT what the bible says.
So my hope is that if i keep leaving my COC book laying aroung, he will pick it up and look at it.
......i never wanted to hear from anyone ever again!
this weekend was a terrible weekend.
my husband and i were just bickering and fighting all weekend.
......I never wanted to hear from anyone ever again!
This weekend was a terrible weekend. My husband and I were just bickering and fighting all weekend. Friday was his birthday, and we had some things happen and didnt get to really go out and enjoy it. But the rest of the weekend was a disaster with one thing after another. We had to take my son to the emergency room last night and was there until 1:00 in the moring, (he's ok btw) but we were arguing back and forther about his family right there in the hospital. Well the next thing i know he said to me, "you know why everything is going the way its going dont you?" I just looked him in the eye and told him if you say it has anything to do with leaving the kingdom hall, i will scream to the top of my lungs. I just cannot believe the mind control that the org has on people while being in and even after leaving.
He stayed on a guilt trip just for opening his birthday presents, and I could tell by the way he acted that he was still afraid that he was doing something wrong. I just pray that he doesnt say he wants to go back. I dont know if i could stand it. He says he doesnt want to, but it is still in his head that all this stuff is still wrong.
Is there anyone here that was raised in the org like he was that can tell me that maybe one day he will be able to get over this guilt?
i have been searching for a job since march, and finally got one waiting tables at a pool hall.
they fired me today due to "pushing" someone that i asked to excuse me.
then i was told that my "attitude" was a reason.
I am soooo sorry! Your going to be just fine though. I agree with the person who said it was probably a jealous female. Dont worry, you'll get through this too, and come out on top again.
Love ya
i'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness.
we met through a mutual friend.
when i met him i thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy i could see myself with for the rest of my life.
Hello sweetie and welcome.
I know the pain you must be feeling, and it is really hard to offer someone advice that is in love with someone. You have to understand that if you think it is bad now, it will only get worse. I met my husband the same way. I went because he wanted me to try it. The religion is a false teaching, but people can only find out for themself. The biggest problem is you can see how his family is treating you already, and the shunning to you is bad enough, but what they will do to him is even worse. They have been taught that anyone who is not a witnees or of their belief is not a christian and is not good enough for their son. They will never ever except you. And if you decide to go just for him, you wont be happy with yourself either.
I did it for 10 yrs, and I was the most unhappy, misserable person in the world. It has taken so much time to reprogram and try to turn my life around, I really thought i was loosing it.
But you are the only one who can make the decision in your own life. I wish you well, but i will leave you with this thought; You are the only one who can make you happy, and you cannot be happy, truely happy by trying to please someone else, especially by doing something you dont feel is right, so take the time to listen to what your inner person is telling you, and dont put yourself through a long time of missery, because that is what the kingdom hall will do to you. And he also has to make a decision in his own life as to what he wants to do, and not want you to do it for him.
Best wishes
very urgent please help.
i am looking for scriptures that refer to the correct way of worship (and i am sure it will not include reference to watchtower material).. i am currently studying the watchtower with some jw's in our area, but have serious reservations about their lack of communal worship that does not include complete readings from the bible.
reading a chapter and then using the watchtower to back it up instead of using the bible to backup the teachings of the watchtower).. the watchtower is not divinely inspired so how on earth am i going to get anything of value out of it.
Hello, and welcome. First I would like to say, trust your internal instinks that are telling you that something is not right. Dont be like some of us here that stayed involved with doubts for years and years.
One thing that i can suggest to you is to get your hands on a copy of the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. He was an elder and member of the governing body in NY, and he explains everything you need to know in this book about the false teachings of the witnessess.
There are NO scriptures in the bible that show you are to use the watchtower along with the bible for study.
Also ask them to show you from the scriptures where is says to use the wt, or anything you may question that doesnt seem right. And if they give you a scripture, share it with us, and we can show you how they try to use scripture to prove their theory, but are actually missquoting the bible.
By the way, the New World Translation was translated by a man who had only 2 years of schooling on translating the greek scriptures, and was only self taught on translating the hebrew scriptures, so I dont thing that that is much education on the bible to be able to be an accurate translator.
I hope you find the answers you are looking for, but be assured, the wt society if not the place to find it.
They are a very controlling unloving organization, and many lives have been destroyed because of it. Use precaution and much prayer, and God will show you the answers.
God Bless
well we have had 2 of our kids have birthdys this month.
now today is my husbands birthday.
he is the one that was raised in the troof, and has had alot of problems moving on in his life since leaving the org.
Well we have had 2 of our kids have birthdys this month. Now Today is my husbands birthday. He is the one that was raised in the troof, and has had alot of problems moving on in his life since leaving the org. One of them of course was holidays. He had a really nice time at our bonfire for the kids birthday party, but was still alittle reluctant about celebrating birthdays.
My heart was so happy when I called him on his cell phone to tell him happy birthday, and he said " thanks baby, so where ya takin me for my birthday"? I know that doesnt sound like much, but i think we have finally REALLY moved on to better things.
So to my lover and my best friend and hubby, Darrick, Happy birthday baby, I love you for life.!
Shelley (mamashel)
xenaw,,,,,,,,, i am in totally tears right now.. i got your package ups today.
i honestly don' t remember the last time i had such a wonderful gift sent to me from a friend.
i feel truly blessed and god, i just want to hop on a plane and hugs you to death.
((((((((((((((((((((Xenaw and eyes)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Xw you are so wonderful. That is the sweetest thing i've seen here. Your one in a million. I remember the first time i came here, you are one of the first ones who talked to me and helped me get through the tough times. Thanks, your a true friend.
as most of you know, i have been inactive for about 2 1/2 yrs and completely out for about 7 months.
i am debating on wether or not to write a letter of da to the org or not.
in some ways i just want closure, and on the other hand i dont want to play by their rules.
Well thank you for all the advice and information. At this time i have decided not to write the letter. For a couple of reason. 1st one being, i dont want to play by their rules and still be doing what they want. 2nd reason, I want to be able to share information i have learned with others, friends and family members. If i DA myself i will not even have a chance to open my mouth to them, so for now, i have decided against it.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts.