Fairmind - I agree that the Watchtower organisation, the GB, or any other level of heirarchy within the org cannot constitute the FDS. The 8,000 or so in the org that claim to be of the anointed, and thus of the FDS, are all enthralled to the false creeds that the WTS perpetuates, so these ones are not also guilty of preaching falsehoods and lies, ie, not feeding the domestics properly. Thus the holy spirit must not be operating fully on these ones either. So it's all highly dodgy. So Don Cameron and many others have demonstrably proved that the WTBS could not possibly have been appointed as God's sole channel of spiritual enlightenment and feeding. However it remains that Jesus still said that upon his return he would find persons (slaves/servants) who are faithfully feeding others at that time. There are 2 appointments according to Jesus, an appointment to do the initial feeding (likely the anointing of the holy spirit on these ones), then an appointment on his return 'over all his belongings' (likely the reward to immortal life in heaven for proving faithful to death). That is why I still believe that there are genuine anointed individuals scattered around, either in the org or throughout a whole lot of religious orgs, that will in time prove to be these faithful and discreet ones that Jesus finds when he finally returns. The problem is that the JW's and the likes of e-watchman believe that these ones have already been harvested into the JW organisation and are exclusively to be found only therein (this is because of their attaching so much important to the fact that only JW's, and a few other small groups, have substantively eliminated Babylonish pagan dogmas from their doctrines ). However these ones ignore the growing mountain of evidence that this cannot be. The litmus tests are - sweet and bitter cannot bubble forth from the same fountain, God is a God of peace, not of disorder, a little leaven ferments the whole lump, and by their fruits you will recognise them. So the only logical conclusion is God has never and cannot now be operating through the WTS leaderhip, because they do not measure up against the bible's own litmus tests. The WTS spews forth bitter with the sweet, They have leaven in their teachings, They have falsely prophesied and perpetuate blatantly articial interpretations, and they have produced rotten fruitage with their unreasonable blood and child molestation policies. So to my mind, all the JW's are is another squabbling religious denomination and sect, the only difference is they are more refined doctrinally than the others. They are, in all likelihood, just a shadowy prototype of the real true form of organised worship that is yet to be gathered by Christ (which may well not even occur in our lifetimes!)