There are a lot of good points there, but what you're describing doesn't much sound like a religion so much as rather a general charitable organisation designed to benefit the wider community. Granted, JW's should do more to help people in a charitable sense, like the Sallies, and stop coming across as self-righteous bible bashers only interesting in helping people if they can convert them.
You say It is enough to know that Jesus is the Son of God and that Satan is their opposer and ours. Sorry, but even the demons believe in God, as James says in his book. In fact a lot of religions don't even hold to the existence of Satan. What other religions teach the truth about what the Kingdom of God is after all...the great majority just say is is a condition of our heart, so a correct 'interpretation' of such an important matter cannot be excluded.
"Encourage bible literacy but leave interpretations and doctrines to God and Jesus". Huh?
So are God and Jesus meant to beam down correct interpretations to us. Or does this religion just sit around in little groups and put their own interpretation on things. True religion should be united doctrinally, although there should be room for healthy debate and no punitive measures against those who may disagree on some points, which is where the JW elite have gone wrong, ie, don't tolerate different views on moot beliefs.
Jesus said the holy spirit would 'guide you all into truth'. So sincere christians should be keen on discerning what the actual truth in scripture is, not just shrug shoulders and say 'ah well, it's just a matter of interpretation, so I'll just believe in God and Jesus and be a good person.' It is not trying to correctly interpret the bible which is wrong, although obviously this is bound to lead to disagreements. Joseph said 'do not interpretations belong to God'? Obviously God doesn't give personal revelations on how his word should be interpreted...rather he guides his servants via his holy spirit. Without attempting to correctly interpret, or I prefer the word understand, the bible, one cannot hope to gain as much as one can from it, thus one is depriving themselves of wisdom, truth, and treasure that God intended for us to benefit from, not shirk as too hard to find and understand. One won't find the answers to such important truths as 'what happens when we die', 'will God forever tolerate wickedness' 'is hell a place of torment' and so on and so on. The answers ARE there and it's a cop out, sorry, to say a group professing to be a true religion should not offer interpretations or explanations of what the bible truthfully teaches on a certain subject. Why bother being part of such a wishy washy religion at all. May as well just sit and home and just read the bible yourself.
The point is that Jesus Christ established the benchmark and test for true christianity, and carried on by the apostles. Call is 'primitive christianity' if you like, but as close as we can get to the system of worship and beliefs he taughts and revealed, the closer we are to 'true religion'. It simply ISN'T enough to say that all we need to know is that there is a God and a devil, and ignore the rest of scripture.