Actually I too am looking for someone from the ft myers/port charlotte area from the mid to late 90's. Anyone here from back then?
JoinedPosts by OneEyedJack
WT's Crazed Obsession!
by JW GoneBad ini have recently read for the umpteenth time the 4 gospel accounts.
what caught my attention this time around was how many times jesus makes mention of the endeared expression father (with f in caps) when referring to his god as recorded by matthew, mark, luke and john.. what was also interesting by comparison is how little jesus actually makes reference to his father on a first name basis (jehovah) in these four books.. note my findings with the help of the comprehensive concordance:.
jehovah: matthew 11 times mark 8 times luke 26 times john 4 times (total 49 times).. father: mathew 43 times mark 4 times luke 21 times john 119 times (total 187 times).. .
Yes I would like to see the source of any critical reviews of the NWT. Not that any JW would keep reading once they saw it was critical.
New Revised NWT Inspection Project
by dontplaceliterature inanyone here interested in splitting up the new bible by books to compare it to the old one and see if there are any significant changes they are hiding in there that weren't announced at the annual meeting today?
it'll be available for dl from on monday....
Its printed, yes
Is anyone live Tweeting from the AGM?
by laverite inhello, .
will anyone be posting live updates via twitter or on jwn during the agm?
cheers, .
Is anyone live Tweeting from the AGM?
by laverite inhello, .
will anyone be posting live updates via twitter or on jwn during the agm?
cheers, .
by Terry ini'm on the brink of publishing my book.
here are some survey questions that will help me make some important decisions.. if you were ever going to actually buy a book about an ex-jehovah's witness conscientious objector who went to prison, would you:.
a. prefer the book to be 8 1/2 x 11 ?.
i would recommend 6x9 and ebook.
as others have mentioned, ebook is extremely helpful to those faders that cant hide a real book easily from spouse/parents/ect
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word For The WTBTS To Say!
by JW GoneBad insorry to raymond and cynthia franz for expelling them on trumped-up charges and forcing them from there bethel home.. sorry for demonizing many of raymond's accomplishmets, such as 'the aid to bible understanding' (the blue book) that he had a hand in putting together and that too many old timers remember who grew fond of reading to expand their bible knowledge.. sorry to oompa for disfellowshipping him and causing him to be shunned to the point where he couldn't take it any longer and wound up taking his own life.
sorry seems to be the hardest word for the wtbts to say!.
Sorry that we find ways to take away nearly everything you have worked for in your life, and then remind you that they were being merciful, and that in bible times they may have had to stone you.
Disfellowshiping a pagan practice says AWAKE! magazine
by Rufus T. Firefly inthe [catholic] hierarchys excommunication .
is altogether foreign to bible teachings.. .
the encyclopedia britannica says that papal excommunication is not without pagan influence.
Aren't we all THRILLED that God provided "new light" to the Faithful and Discreet Slave and gave us the proper food at the proper time clearing that old light out?
excuse me while i go vomit
Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer
by sir82 inas most of us know, the society is spending 10's of millions of dollars on a giant, state of the art, secluded bunker country club headquarters in very remote, isolated warwick ny.. the question that "some" have is, why?
if armageddon is coming "very soon", why go to all that time & effort & expense?
why have thousands of jws dedicating their time to this massive effort instead of the "lifesaving ministry"?.
snare, printing has been out of brooklyn for almost a decade now, HQ is all office type stuff and support staff. So there is no need for printing in warwick
This is well worth remembering
by The Quiet One in
slimboy, i felt that way at first, although i was disapointed as a bethelite at the time to learn of it, but it didnt really shake me. Later, when I read a positive article they wrote about the UN in the Awake! magazine, while trashing it in talks and other publications, realizing they said it was to gain access to this "library" it seemed like much more than just a library card.