With this type of logic no wonder there are atheists (in the sense of not believing in the existance of GOD). No wonder there are those zealots that would crash planes into buildings, blow themselves and innocents up, shoot children and elderly humans. Do you really believe this is the demonstration of God's existance? Why not pray to have your god flash out his message in the stars? Why not have him speak directly to all of us via our cell phones? Not much for a god that can kill with the blink of an eye...
Brings to mind Northern Ireland, Mideast, Hebron ND...let's help "god" by assisting the annialation of his detractors or rejectors. Nope, not for me. But if you want to meet on a hillside and contemplate the rising sun (spectacular this morning), watch a child play in a field of clover, or just sip wine and talk about what could be or coud've been, look me up.