the dude sounds a little anal retentive.
this board has become very painful.
i've given it many chances.
so many posters do not know what the apostrophe is for or is not for.
the dude sounds a little anal retentive.
thats right, my baby asked me to be his wife on friday night.
it was our 1 year anniversary, we had booked into a motel with a spa bath and admist bubbles, i followed a trail of balloons to my ring.. it was all very romantic (and about time too seeing as he had the ring sitting in the draw for 2 months!!
congratulations to both of you, you did say yes, right?
from imanaliento, can't post under my name because it comes up as something else.
i just arrived there yesterday afternoon where my bro-in-law dropped me off.
my first night's sleep wasn't exactly eventful since there is no beds available and i have to sleep on the pews which my body doesn't exactly agree with hard wood and no cushion on it.
so i didn't sleep very well.
Hi Neal, sorry about the situation your in, think of it as only temporary. I was wondering why you couldn't stay at your sisters or your dad's.
being in the big city will give you more opportunities, something will come about. you seem to be trying and thats to be commended. one more question, could you try teaching at a school for the deaf , adults or children computer related stuff, you are so good with that, I've seen what you did on the art page. Just a thought, take care
Jackie (imanaliento) can't post my user ID because it comes up as my password so I have to use my husbands until Simon gets it storted out.
hi gang:.
just a reminder that we will be doing the radio program on the jws and false prophecies today.
if you want you can email me messages that you want me to share with the radio audience during the program at [email protected] i will do the best i can to share them.. to listen just go to
hey Dr. Jeff
this is Jackie saying hello and that I was listening, I can't log on with my user name because it's been coming up as my password and Simon has yet to answer me on that.
anyway It was good, how may listeners do they they cover?
I would of called in, but time ran out and the last caller brought up what I would of mentioned, in that what happens when you leave, I was going to mention a young mom that we personally know that has been disfellowhipped and shunned from her family so much that they have cut her from their will..
will you be back there next weekend?
take care from your fellow friends jandj
i drive by a kh every day, since it's very close to my work route, and i was wondering if anyone else secretly cheers that they don't have to go back into one of those things.
when i see a few cars parked there on the weekday, i am so thankful i don't have to go out and talk that stuff to strangers.
any thoughts?
I think, "Man, its great to be thinking again!"
a few years ago we lived in a different city and my wife and i had a battle when a jw would come to the door.
my wife liked to hide and like to answer the door and talk to them.
i am rather stubborn that way.
Me thinks you should have gotten her name, address, and phone number. If I were a betting man, I'd wager alot of anything you never see the book again. On the other hand, maybe she read it, passed it on to another friend, and just like a really good virus, you cause the complete disintegration of the WTBTS....
benefits of sex!!!!!!!!!!
you've gotta read this.
be sure to read the warning at the bottom.
Ooooooh my...I found a copy of this in my deleted folder..AND IT'S TWO MONTHS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You gotta tell me how/who to beg for fogiveness before it starts to..........what's that smell?
thought the ravenous birds were supposed to feast on us "goats" not the "sheep".
maybe they know something we don't....
Thought the ravenous birds were supposed to feast on us "goats" not the "sheep". Maybe they know something we don't...
he runs away, he finds a house and breaks into it looking for money and.
but all he finds is a young couple in bed.
Sometimes words are worth more than the picture - but I really would like to see the look on his face......
after watching powell today, i'm more convinced than ever.
i think that those oppossed to the war will not be swayed at all, but i also think that most of those who were trully sitting on the fence will be convinced.
convinced of saddam's violation of un resolution 1441, and convinced of saddam's connection with terrorism.
Shutterbug - Feb 16th I wanted to get something special for my first birthday celebration in twelve years, but that might be too much fireworks for even me....
Bush ain't going to back down - he's a true Texas cowboy. War sucks but the only thing that might stop this one is another, and I think everyone needs to keep their eyes on the "East".