Good For You
but as much as one does this
from imanaliento, loging on hubbys ID because I can't yet.
i've been off-line for a bit, broken what-not in the computer,just got back on so i thought i'd tell you what happened yesterday.elder d rang to ask if 'we' could visit, ok says i, the other is the old ms who i studied with.
meantime i'd got my file on un/wts ready(it's been ready for ages) and primed husband to witness the entertainment.this went on for about an hour and a half.i was utterly in control of myself and the entire interrogation(me of them).neither of them would look at any of my evidence of the wt's blasphemous hypocrisy, so i read it out to them,(you come to my house so i'm going to tell you this) they tried to wriggle their way out but i wanted them to admit their weakness.
i really let them have it.they parried i thrusted.
Good For You
but as much as one does this
from imanaliento, loging on hubbys ID because I can't yet.
everyone probably has a slightly different experience when leaving the witnesses.the worst aspect about this for me is the realisation that my enteire life has been lived and directed by a false premiss, and the effect past decisions now have on my life.. it can make me feel sick in the stomach on occation.. also the idea that friends and family think i have tuned bad or evil to have left jehovah is qute disturbing at times.
one can really never know what someone else is thinking, so try not to let that bother you. when I was in I would see or hear of something that bothered me and I'd end up telling myself that I too had things to work on.
As far as leaving, I don't have any regrets, The friends that are there, their love was only conditional, I don't miss them. but I do have times where I feel I use to know everything to knowing little when it comes to the bible. I feel I have to start all over but it's all GOOD.
from imanaliento using hubby ID because I can't log on yet,
it's nice to hear that this board has offered support to you, there are some outstanding people here to communicate with. so with that
hello and
from imanaliento using hubbys ID so i can get my two cents in somehow.
*** w52 2/1 pp.
*** w56 10/15 pp.
*** g77 10/8 pp.
when we were still in about a year and a half ago someone told us that they visited a southern congregation, a double hall, whites on one side and blacks on the other, they were white and chose to sit on the other side ignoring the looks of the so called brothers. This is the first thing that bothered me about the borg, I was taught we were all equal and could not believe this was taking place. then right before we left we noticed a few that had been DF and reinstated in a short period, while this lone black brother is probably still not reinstated because of a predjudice elder. pretty sick, if sick can at all be called pretty.
from imanaliento using hubbys ID to log on.
just wanted to say hi to everyone here.. i've been lurking here for the past few days wondering who's still here and who's new.. i haven't been on this site for some time, it just seems to stir up old anger i have for the borg.
but hey, i guess i just can't get away from the support this site can give to those who have been affected by the wtbts.. dig.
don't spend your time worrying about adding days to your life, but think more of adding life to your days.
this is from imanaliento, can't log on yet because Simon has to sort through a bunch of stuff thats not up to par, so I have to use my husbands.
I like that quote! that's a good attitude.
while I was not brought up in the borg , we DA'd and no other family is in I still have an anger for what they do to families. We know of two young moms in a different city, both are DF they have no support from their parents who are in the troof and no support from the parents of the dad's who are not in the WTS. They feel a dependancy on these guys and see no way out. arGGGGGGGGGGgggHHHhhhhhhhh. That's hardly true love all they way around.
glad to see you pop in and say Hi.
the first question is whom do you show your loyalty to ????????????.
1 ) the organization....... 2 ) or to jehovah........... you have five seconds to decide,prove it to yourself by answering these questions,.
whom do you pray through,?????.
I was born with sin,
from imanaliento because I can't log on yet using my ID.
ok, well here is the end of this crazy story............................
the court date was set for the 17th (monday).
i got my new next door neighbor to represent me and my now x husband.
that is absolutley GREAT News Jesika !! congrats !!
from imanaliento
i came across some interesting oranges at the store the other day: blood oranges.. the outside is orange with large red patches, the inside is a deep red... it could also be described as a grape color.. i tried them and discovered that they don't have much of an "orange" taste at all.
i would say that eating one is more like eating a black-berry that happens to be shaped like an orange..
good one, Some may not eat it because it has the word Blood in front, it's a fruit for cryin out loud.
One more thing I could never understand is if they weren't to eat blood why can they chow down on a rare steak with the blood juices just a oozing out.
from imanaliento
i am curious... do you know some that have left the truth that become "worse" people?
for years i would hear about some who left the truth and rumours how they are on drugs, in jail, etc.
and many bros and sis would say, "you might as well go out in the world and do all the bad stuff..cuz you're dead at armaggedon!".
I think that everyone will go through stages when they leave, teens or adults may become rebellious and try everything they can only to realize later in life how you spend the first 30 plus years of your life affects the remaining 30 plus years you have left.
I know of people who have gone through councilling and others who try to make it on their own or at least having some support network. And I think people need that.
We weren't brought up in the WTS, so what we did before was a different time and I wouldn't go backwards. Our sons are still the same individuals that they always were only now having a broader spectrum in life.
I still feel We all have someone to answer to so I hope your hubby can talk to someone, he probably has a lot of pent up anger and needs to find avenues to let it out other than self destruction.
from imanaliento because I still can't post using my ID yet until Simon get it sorted out.
i was at home and a man came to the door...i knew immediately he was a jw brother, however, he was quite handsome (no offense) and very well built.
he looked like a cross between brad pitt/tom cruise/evan marriott.... he wore a very nice dark gray suit that formed perfectly to his sculpted muscles...he had a very nice book bag.
black, brushed silver hardware.
GOOD ONE. you had me going there for a second, I thought you were going to get it like flies on $$!t.
from imanaliento