JoinedTopics Started by BorgBaiter
Need a blood card if anyone has an extra
by dogon ini want a blood card to show people who i meet that argue they know jws and its ok to take blood.
if anyone has an extra one preferabley unfilled out, i will pay for it if reasonable.
you can email me at dogon2u at gmail dot com.
Manditory Security Clearence and Identification Badge For Any Door to Door Canvassers Religous or Commercial
by frankiespeakin inpeople going door to door uninvited should be required to get a licence and sercurity check if they are going door to door and required to show it on demand while engaged in the door to door work.. after all it is a perfect stranger for the most part who could be an imposter or maybe even a violent criminal or rapist.
no one convicted of sexual molestation or violent crimes should be given a permit.
an added benifit would be less people knocking on your door trying to sell you something be it a vaacum cleaner or armegeddon life insurance protection.. what is your opinon?.
JW HUMOR IS Painful, see what I mean!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inthe list of photos is long, some are very arrogant like "you go to church and say your a christian, that's like saying i have a motorcyle in my garage and that makes me a evil knivel!!
" what is the common thread of all these photos, head out to the site and see if you find anything funny.
my funny bone is not working, might be for you?