Hiya KAYTEE...
I guess that we could all relate to those comments!
Mind you...I ought to be careful.... I was a new and young elder once upon a time and often went along with things because I didn't want to cause waves... so I am probably as hypocritical as the rest.
For my own part I have explicit trust and faith in Jehovah and his Son Jesus. I love The Truth ( as I understand it) It helps me make sense of the chaos. But I have little if no trust at all in the elder arrangement... I'll tell you one reason why....
Some years ago my daughter married a guy in the congregation and basically he went bad after just thirteen weeks of marriage! So the elders 'dealt with him' By that I mean that they slapped his wrist and said... " don't be naughty again!" He had stolen over 3,000.00 from his employer ( I don't know the equiv. in $ ) But no other action was taken as his mother... a long standing witness.... begged his ex-employer not to report him to the Police.
Anyway... my daughter fell pregnant and the baby was born and we learnt that her husband was refusing to give her money to buy food for the youngster... my wife and I gave her cash for weeks just to feed the lad! We told the elders ( my wife and I that is...) and were told to stop interfering in our daughter's marriage! One of them even called me a clucking old hen! - behind my back of course.
Things went from bad to worse... the youngster, Liam, died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and was buried. Barely a couple of months later an elder came to me, because I was feeling really bad and had suffered what I guess you would call a slight breakdown, and said " don't you think that it's about time that you put this behind you and moved on!!!! " If I were a violent man I would have hit him!
Meanwhile her husband was up to his old tricks and was soon dealing with counterfeit money, smoking, gambling etc.etc. and eventually was brought before the elders again. This time they told him that he and my daughter should tell my wife and I to keep out of their lives... this is after we paid to bury our only grandson and spent hours EVERY DAY with my daughter who was constantly left on her own, as her husband 'played the field'
And then they started a study with him !!! They did not even discuss the matter with my daughter... no visits... no encouragement... no help... NOTHING!
In fact after one such study period with the elder concerned her husband came home and shouted abusively at her... " You stupid bitch... they don't believe YOU they believe ME! "
It seemed at the time that the very arrangement that should have protected her was actually working against her interests.
Anyhow... Eventually they guy started an affair with another woman ( not in the truth ) and he was seen and reported and called before the elders again... But this time my daughter had had enough and threw him out... ( By this time she had another two children by him 2years old and three months old! I think that she thought the kids might settle him down a bit! )
Now... the elders decided to visit her.
On the day of the visit my wife and I were there, helping with the children... they are great kids...
The two elders came to the door and must have heard us talking as they walked in.
" What are THEY doing here ?" one asked. My daughter said that anything that they had to say could be said in front of her mom and dad. Just then they walked into the room and one of them... I have known him for 20 years... turned and said to me.... " One word out of you...and you will be OUT!" Then they DEMANDED that my daughter take her idiot residivist husband back!!
" You have no right to throw him out" they told her.
In the end, following FIVE judicial hearings he was disfellowshipped, but not before he had duped us into guaranteeing a 5,000.00 loan which he subsequently refused to pay... leaving my wife and I with the debt....
When I asked the elders why they hadn't dealt decisively with him before they said " We were concerned about the effect that disfellowshipping him would have on his elderly mother!!!!!!
( Show me in the Elders Book where it says that ! )
This is just a small portion of the experience that we went through... but enough is enough.....
Just for the record my daughter met a guy in the Truth and they married, had two more sons and are happliy serving Jehovah as a united family...
And me?
I am still so angry about the arrogance, the high handedness, the hard-heartedness, the total lack of concern and care for the innocent party whilst protecting the wrong doer that I will probably NEVER trust an elder again...
I remember one occassion not too long ago when her now ex-husband came out of prison...following a four year sentence for robbery. He was driving his car even though he had been banned from driving for five years and had his licence removed.....and his mother... still a sister in the congregation.... was sitting by his side. Breaking every law in the book. Now , as it happens the Police saw him and he went straight back to jail... but when I approached the elders and asked what they intended to do with his mother they said that I was persecuting the woman and if I didn't stop they would take action against me!
So now what?
Well I have, in fact, pulled back from all but the minimum involvement in the congregation.. I prefer to be invisible! They can't hurt you if they can't see you... (I hope)
I can't help but think that the elders would benefit from specialist training in Counselling etc. Why do we allow these amateurs to barge into our personal lives and wreck everything up so badly?
Now I just try to keep my head down and do as the scriptures say... " Worship God"
Take care. Kind regard to you and your family.