Aw, spoil sport! Of course, I would sure like to hear your version. Maybe your book would be more interesting than THE RED TENT.
JoinedPosts by sableindian
Dinah, guilty or not guilty
by sableindian inin a publication called "my book of bible stories" is the story of dinah.
it is implied that she is the start of the downfall of a nation and the corruption of her brothers.
and that she went out to see girls she was not to go and see.. but who does the bible blame and what is the story here?
Herodotus and the Egyptians
by sableindian inhere is another historian vastly quoted by wt.
yet when it comes to his eyewitness accounts.
could this be a hold out from russelism?.
Here is another historian vastly quoted by WT. Yet when it comes to his eyewitness accounts. He is ignored. Could this be a hold out from Russelism?
" There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians..."
[Herodotus, Book 3]To demonstrate that the Greek oracle is of Egyptian origin, Herodotus advances another argument: "Lastly, by calling the dove black, they [the Dodonaeans] indicated that the woman was Egyptian. . . ."2 The doves in question symbolize two Egyptian women allegedly kidnapped from Thebes to found the oracles of Dodona and Libya.
To show that the inhabitants of Colchis were of Egyptian origin and had to be considered a part of Sesostris' army who had settled in that region, Herodotus says: "The Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair. . . ."3
Finally, concerning the population of India, Herodotus distinguishes between the Padaeans and other Indians, describing them as follows: "They all also have the same tint of skin, which approaches that of the Ethiopians."4
Diodorus of Sicily writes:
The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They even allege that this country was originally under water, but that the Nile, dragging much mud as it flowed from Ethiopia, had finally filled it in and made it a part of the continent. . . . They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor kings as gods and bury them with such pomp; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians cite evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians, but it is useless to report that here.5
If the Egyptians and Ethiopians were not of the same race, Diodorus would have emphasized the impossibility of considering the former as a colony (i.e., a fraction) of the latter and the impossibility of viewing them as forebears of the Egyptians.
In his Geography, Strabo mentioned the importance of migrations in history and, believing that this particular migration had proceeded from Egypt to Ethiopia, remarks: "Egyptians settled Ethiopia and Colchis."6 Once again, it is a Greek, despite his chauvinism, who informs us that the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Colchians belong to the same race, thereby confirming what Herodotus had said about the Colchians.7
And that's just a little bit. Now, what's interesting is that the Apostle Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian, Joseph, son of Jacob was indistiguishable among Egyptians and Jesus, Mary and Joseph could hide among the inhabitants of Egypt without being discovered. Now remember, this is ancient Egypt and not the Egypt of today that has been intermixing with Arabs, Greeks, Romans, French, Italians and Germans. And here again is an opportunity to give their publications a little more variety in skin color. But, hey, are we talking 'Truth' or what?I always thought it would have been a good idea to have more Asian and Indian people in the picture about the women being looked at by the disobedient angels. But I'm just a 'study' and what doIknow
Tacititus and the Jews
by sableindian inthe wt frequently quotes herodotus and tacitus.
it is interesting to see what herodotus says about egyptians as an eye witness account in his day.
and in tacitus' account of the origin of the jews, he puts them with egyptians, phoenicians and ethiopians.
The WT frequently quotes Herodotus and Tacitus. It is interesting to see what Herodotus says about Egyptians as an eye witness account in his day. And in Tacitus' account of the origin of the Jews, he puts them with Egyptians, Phoenicians and Ethiopians. Is there any wonder why the Jewish woman from Shulam said, "I am Black"? The sun can make Black people Black from the sun. We see on the inscriptions of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Etruscans and Edomites. Just to name a few. But the WT does not depict these ancient people the way the eye witness accounts show them.
Instead we have the media accounts of the Ten Commandments, Jesus of Nazareth, etc. In Egypt alone there was a variety of colors of skin. Just like a beautiful garden of many flowers. It's too bad that when the opportunity comes to show such variety, the WT still has that Russell mentality.
Was the Ethiopian a proselyte
by sableindian ini've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the ethiopian was a proselyte.
apollo was from alexandria...was he a proselyte?
now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte.
Hey Blondie,
I understand when it comes to the scriptures and Ham, Cush and an Ethiopian and religions, they detach Black folk as far away from the chosen people as they can get. The depictions of Black people in the media and the Bible is very twisted in itself. So I am not the least surprised that other religions have the same idea. And now with the DNA revelation that African Jews have the same Y identity as European Jews has really quieted down. And so, its business as usual. Yet, no one, still can not scripturally say why the Ethiopian is called a proselyte.
Maybe it went along with the 19th century image of bringing the gospel to the infidels in Africa. I was looking at a PBS documentary on televangilism. Dallas is the city with the largest Christian population in America. And yet, I heard this particulare evangelist with still prevelant racist and biggoted ideas. Yet, he believed that he has a place in heaven. Amazing. I must say that he did not seperate the women and Hispanics from this group that needed help and redemption. Of course he did mention the good qualities...Blacks love to sing to the Lord and the Browns (His exact expression) love family life. Creepy!
Chicago, Waukegan, North Chicago and Los Angeles
by sableindian inlooking for folks in the waukegan, north chicago and south side of chicago area.
also los angeles morningside congregation.
Looking for folks in the Waukegan, North Chicago and South side of Chicago area. Also Los Angeles Morningside congregation.
Was the Ethiopian a proselyte
by sableindian ini've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the ethiopian was a proselyte.
apollo was from alexandria...was he a proselyte?
now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte.
Hi Blondie,
Notice no one is saying WHY the Ethiopian was not a Jew from birth? This is a big assumption. And it shows a bit of brainwashing here. It is something being repeated without reference.
Yes, we have the definition of a proselyte. But we have no proof of the Ethiopian's ancestry as not being Jewish.
Looking for friends Chicago area
by sableindian inanybody know anyone from chicago, north chicago or waukegan (aka peyton place)?.
also los angeles from the moriningside congregation?.
Well, I'm not familiar with Macombe, I think I know someone from Palatine, I went to Romeoville a couple of times. But also went on 79th and Ashland and my ex-husband's circuit was in Janesville, Wisconsin.
I will take your advice and head to the reunion. But you know how it is when you're married. No one will remember me unless I mention my I couldn't exist without him. Yeah, right. (Oooh, Brother So and So's wife.)
Is it wrong for a white to marry a black?
by gumby insee if you think this sounds a know.......biggoted .
do you think the opinion from the slave is a little strong in one direction..........nah!
questions from readers wt, 1960 july 15
This is a very interesting thread. So lets take it into 2003. The person who said they thought Cali (California) was a pretty neat place to stay racially has NEVER lived there. Has NEVER heard of Orange County, Silcon Valley or the LAPD. And guess what...JWs live there too. I find the Bahai Faith seems to have this all wrapped up. They had to travel this difficult path of racism also. But instead of being latent with their racial cause, they are blatant. They have discussions and their actions speak highly of their words. I think if the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society could paint every Bible character WHITE they would. And have...listen to their discription of the Shulammite in comparison to her own discription.
The 1960 rhetoric is alive and well, not only in White JWs but in Blacks which perpetrates the defaming self image of many Blacks with the pre-60s attitudes about themselves and other Blacks.
I lived during that era and I was in contact with JWs during that time. And I could write a book.
Also I am caring for a 91 year old man in a small town in Georgia. Interesting.
Take note that this thread ended before our VERY interesting southern statesmen proudly proclaimed their stance on the Black "problem" in America.
Well that's it, I don't have a Lott to say. Just that if it weren't for miscegination we would not have present day Puerto Ricans, Jews, Arabs, Polynesians, Hawaiians, Native Americans, etc. And the vast variety that Jehovah had planned all along. You go, God. It's all about intelligent choices.
Was the Ethiopian a proselyte
by sableindian ini've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the ethiopian was a proselyte.
apollo was from alexandria...was he a proselyte?
now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte.
Hi, Blondie,
I'm stuck. You have proven that the Ethiopian was a Jew and not a proselyte. Where does it state, and I have looked, that he is a proselyte.
Your information about Apollo, who was from Egypt, was good also. Showing him to be a Jew, although not an Israelite.
Was the Ethiopian a proselyte
by sableindian ini've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the ethiopian was a proselyte.
apollo was from alexandria...was he a proselyte?
now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte.
I've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the Ethiopian was a proselyte. Apollo was from Alexandria...was he a proselyte? Now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte. Scripture says that there were Jews in Ethiopia. And the WT acknowledges that:" Ethiopia (Cush) is one of the lands among which the Jewish exiles were scattered after the Babylonian conquest of Judah. (Isa 11:11 "
So, why is the eunuch constantly called a proselyte?