Bring on your stones, throw them hard and true. Then cuddle your healthy children and congratulate yourself on your moral superiority. to begin. I dont recall saying anything disrespectful and infact said that I respected that people have the right to make difficult and personal decisions. I dont ever recall trying or even coming off as morally superior, I just see things from a differnt perspective....from a wheelchair. I dont intend to throw stones and truely grieve for your loss.
I didn't say there is one answer or that my opinion was the only right one... all I asked was that people not automatically assume that a disable child will not be productive in later life or that the quality of their lives will be terrible. You mention that you would consider if they would be able to support themselves or a family. I never thought that I would find a woman who would see past my wheelchair and twisted legs and see me as a "man". They all loved me like a brother and thought I was fun to be with and a great guy...well...expect for my problems. But then I met my wife (married almost 15 years now) and she didn't have to see past the wheelchair because she never saw it in the first place.
I know a lot of people, some with what even I would say are severe disabilities and they are more successful and productive then some non-disabled people I know.
All I asked for was a chance, a chance for someone to push themselves and strive to beat the odds and prove themselves. If tests show catastrophic issues then tough decision are made, as you sadly know all too well, but I wanted to make people think a little. I grew up with a disability and I survived, in fact it wasn't even all that terrible since it was all I knew. I just hope that, in most cases, we all don't automatically assume that their lives would be tragic, unproductive and a without meaning or purpose just because they may be disabled.
We differ on our pro-life/choice views and that is fine. To me innocent life is precious...whether a fetus or someone who has had a severe stroke and is now viewed as a burden on the family or a person who is terminally ill. I respect the rights of others to their opinions as I would hope they would respect my right to mine.
Not here to preach just was hoping to generate some discussion on the issue as I work in the field and alway like hearing what others who may not be as deeply involved think.
I can understand if my post hit a nerve but it was clearly, as I stated several times, not meant to offend anyone. It was to generate a little discussion and hopefully make us all think, thats all.