I'm so glad your daughter was able to go to the March! I was there also, and it was the most amazing, empowering, incredible time I have ever had. We marched for ourselves, our mothers, our daughters, for every woman. It was very powerful.
There was a woman who took the stage, and shared the story of her mother's death. Her mother died in 1964 after a botched coathanger abortion. She had a picture of her mother's body, naked and on the table, with a bloody towel beneath her. She said for many, many years she could not look at that without breaking down, but it has become her reason for fighting. Never again, should women be forced into back allies. Very, very powerful.
There were 1,150,000 people standing strong for choice, and it was something I hope will still stand true in November. Emma, although you couldn't be with us physically, I'm glad you were with us in spirit! :)