More shenanigans πππππ
Mad Puppy
in 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
More shenanigans πππππ
Mad Puppy
Hi n awards on....taylor swift totally stole that shiiiii!!!!!!!
Mad Puppy
i know this sounds like a ridiculous question but i was talking with my mom in the car today and of course we got on the topic of getting babtized again.
she told me that jehovah holds me accountable for my sins regardless of wether i am babtized or not so i have no reason to be holding back because it won't change anything.
my parents are the type of super strict jw who will shun you just for not being a witness.
no. N stuff.
Mad Puppy
is it possible to full time pioneer while working a full time job without making up the hours?
i know of a brother who recently got married too a pioneer the guy was really desperate to get married because his wife despite her many 'spiritual credentials' has very few christ-like qualities unfortunately, anyway that's besides the point.
he is a pioneer now and i'm sure he will be a ms soon the organisation likes that type of stuff the 'pioneer couple' so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Its just jw's care so much about their score sheet. Its like the widow who only put a few coins in the really doesnt matter how many hours ya put in....
But its all %ullshit anyhow !!!!
Max Puppy
before i start my subject post, i like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members that have joined the site.
i just can't keep up with all the new names.
nice to see all of you here.. i haven't posted anything in a while because of work, scheduling and everything else, but i do have some interesting thoughts that i would like to share with all of you in the coming months.
WILIKERS !!!!!!!!
Mad Puppy
the gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
They always use just first names.....why dont they use ...first and last name, city, state, and congo. Oh and maybe a picture of the person being quoted. That would definetely ensure some kind of credibility. But just sayin "joe liked his new grey bible"......aint workin with meπππππ
Mad Puppy
mark sanderson at a regional assembly.. i will find him and ask him questings.. please quickly leave questions you want me to ask.. i will record and post updates!!!!.
I just love shenanegans !!!! Good work teen !!!!βΊ
Mad Puppy
Hi sparrow!!!!!!! Thank yu.....thank yu ..verr muchπ
Mad Puppy
Horses rule.....!!!!!!!
Mad Puppy
Wowsers heaven.....your makin me blush....n stuffβΊπ
Shy Puppy