Hi Louise,
First of all:
20-Dec-07 10:09 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
20-Dec-07 10:10 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
20-Dec-07 10:11 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
20-Dec-07 10:12 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
20-Dec-07 10:14 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
20-Dec-07 10:16 Dec 20, 2007 by LouBelle: Correct formatting
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Don't ya just go nuts when that happens!!
OK, there are many here who believe in God no matter what. It doesn't matter that it can be proven that the Bible (for that's the religious book most religionists here turn to) is, for the most part, made up of fables and claptrap. No matter how much archaeology and science prove that the Bible stories are false people still cling to their faith - and faith is all it is - because they are fearful of displeasing God lest they suffer in the afterlife and/or they cannot accept that the 'I' dies with the body! They cannot accept that we do not have souls and that once our bodies die that's the permanant end of John, Joan, Fred, Bill, Sheila or whatever our names are.
Religionists will counter that science cannot disprove God exists. Well, of course it can't, because one can never prove the unprovable - but the onus, surely, must be on the believer to prove that God does exist! (I can see a long load of posts coming). As Dawkins says in his excellent book The God Delusion, we can say there is a 99% probability he doesn't exist. We can never say 100% because, as I said, one cannot prove the unprovable.
It doesn't matter to religionists that archaeology cannot find any evidence what so ever of a mass exodus out of Egypt or that Hewbrew slaves were even there or that there was a huge kingdom of David or that Joshua oversaw a powerful nation, etc. If such things existed the people would have left evidence, such as buildings, masses of pottery, inscriptions, etc. It's all nonsense! Nothing, not even a tiny fragment, has been found!!
So, does this mean our lives are for nothing? Well, that's the $64,000 question.
I have my own thoughts on that particular beauty - but let's make way for others to post. I have a feeling this thread is about to run for awhile