Christianity (in general, the judeo-chistian cosmovision) foundations are definitely wrong. It is true that you can learn some usefull "principles" from some parts of the bible (some provebs, golden rule, etc......) but mainly is a bunch of non-history, non-sensical visions and prophecies, false viewpoints of reality (for example: in the bible the world, is a flat disc with a dome over it. That the Bible says that the world is spherical is simply what believers want to read in the text) And a very negative and counterproductive point of view of humanity. Not to mention the violence, of the OT, sponsored by YHWH. The bible is also a masterpiece in creating submissive man and women, easily manipulable by the ruling elite, promoting as virtues blind obedience, credulity (faith) conformism. In fact the bible (that is some of the "books" that later became part of the Bible) were simply that, politico-religious tools, including the gospels (the 4 that are in the "canon", here I have a book with 20 "gospels" some complete, some only fragments). Christianity haven't had a pure origin, there were a lot of christianities at the start. All with diferents "bibles" and beliefs. The united Chistianity that came after is simply a political tool of Rome.
For diferent reasons, arguments, studies I think that a "real" or "historical" Jesus never existed. I subscribe the "mythical origin theory". Anyway if there was a "jesus", he has nothing to do with the biblical Jesus and since there are not more information about him. Is like he was inexistent.
Chistianity is just another pagan religion, but with the exclusivism of judaism (us vs them mentality)
Therefore the foundation of this religion is false. And you can see the real fruits of it: dividing people ever more, dark ages, wars, intolerance,...
In the other hand, the greatest scientist like Galileo and Newtown were driven by their religious feelings, they believed in a creator, therefore the "creation" can be understood, and in some sense sometimes christianity promoted the development of science.
But not religion, but the need of preserving the culture, the way of live and cosmovision, material prosperity, these is what promoted the wars and other evils, religion is just one form of it, there were also another non-religious idologies with the same potencial to create wars and divisions between people.
Is of capital importance to avoid fanatism and to be open to new ideas, dogmatism is foolishness.