Answer: God is perfect in all his ways, thus having told the righteous man noah to build a ark to not only save all the animals but to also say yourself and your family, GOD who does not make mistakes or tell lies have given noah the right measurement to create it and to survive in it
U.2.K. Tha Greate$t,
This god is so perfect, that need to destroy almost everything on earth that he himself have created to put everything in order (again?). I used to destroy only the imperfect things that I've done, not the perfect ones. Therefore god creation must be imperfect, and then god is imperfect also.... maybe the Bible's God doesn't exists. Think a moment!!!!!, what kind of "loving" god can make this massacre!!! Not only he destroyed the whole human race (almost), including not born babies and children but also murdered almost every animal (WHY??, are they also siners?) and vegetation... oh my, this story is pure nonsense, this is the typical behaviour of a psyco, his creation is shit, because he made it that way, and then he got angry and destroyed everything.