Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome. I am glad to be among people that understand what happens in our inner minds when we are trying to free ourselves from the clutches of this organization. I know I still struggle with it from time to time, but from reading this board, I know many of you also do and that gives me some relief to know that it is "normal".
To further clarify the point of my dad, I think he is quite happy in the state he is in right now. He is a bit of a zealot, but over the years he's become much more mellow. Especially since he heard about a couple of things that were said to me by the local elders were he attends meetings at now (which resulted in a whole different little struggle, but a post for another time ). I think he too is starting find a balance in his life like my mother, but he strives much more to obtain "perfection" in the eyes of the "brothers" and "sisters". However, I don't think I could've had a better dad and role-model, save for him becoming a drone willingly of a man made organization (but we've all been down that road, so it's hard to judge him ). He's been a very peaceful father who never gave into swearing in front of his family or drinking, and has always provided for my mother and I (well, at least until I turned of age and started working and support myself ). I think right now the religion gives him a sense of purpose and belonging we all feel drawn to. Everyone usually eventually has an event in their lives that sets in motions the wheels of doubt and reason. If he ever finds this moment of illumination, I will be there to support him. He knows that at least from me he will not receive any shunning, and I hope that will be of comfort to him when the time comes.
Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone. Take care and much love from me!