As a non-JW I can only imagine the effect these publications must have on the "true-believers." When I read these excellent reviews by Blondie I am struck by one thing: Just how many times can a person hear a word or phrase before it becomes meaningless?
Not to diminish the spirit and intelligence of former JWs, and this is not meant to be derogatory, but after hearing the specific word NEAR over and over and over again in all of its associated contexts can someone not become immune to its meaning? I mean, if every publication every week of every year stresses something is "near" yet it fails to become reality (except maybe by those darn "invisible" things...) how can anyone take this seriously? When you tell someone something repeatedly -- "the check is in the mail" for example -- yet it fails to materialize, at what point to you eventually realize that it is an outright falsehood? I don't think it would take me upwards of 90 years to realize my check ain't coming!
I find this amazing. I suppose not being brought up in the religion (I got here looking for information to help me understand a woman I was/am involved with who became a JW 3 years ago and 2 years after we had been together) these writings seem not only nonsensical but downright stupid.
Just reading one of Blondie's incisive reviews of one WT article makes me shake my head. And I don't even know why but they make me angry! I guess being a pragmatic, realistic sort, I find these rantings about stuff that sounds like utter BS to be annoying. How can folks go on for years listening to this stuff and continue buying into it? It is so sad and astounding at the same time.
Thanks to all here for the information I have gained by reading your stories and insights and thanks to Blondie for doing these labor-intensive reviews in such a loving, selfless manner. I don't know how you can stand it.