Q. Who became the editor [of the Watchtower] when [the editorial committee] was discontinued? A. Jehovah God. Q. And who wrote the magazine under the direction of Almighty God? A. Various individuals contributed to the magazine, Judge Rutherford, and others.... Q. I understand that you say that in 1931, the Watch Tower discontinued naming the editorial committee, and then Jehovah God became the editor, that is correct? A. Jehovah's editorship was indicated thereby citing Isaiah 54:13....It was appreciated that Jehovah God really is the One who is editing the paper, and therefore the naming of an editorial committee was out of place. Q: At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper, is that right? Franz: He is today the editor of the paper. Q: How long has He been editor of the paper? Franz: Since its inception he has been guiding it. Q: Even before 1931? Franz: Yes, sir.(Testimony of Fred W. Franz, Cross-examination, Moyle v. Rutherford, et al., 1943, pp. 795-866)
"Would That All Were Prophets! .. You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets, or witnesses for God. In fact, they are known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses" Awake!, June 8 1986, p. 9
Hmmm, Mr. flip? Meet Mr. flop.