I agree with all that has been said -- and they will always quote the apostle Peter at you "Lord you have sayings of everlasting life --where else is there for us to go" that is why no matter what lies are told etc. some will never leave the truth
JoinedPosts by stillajwexelder
Why some will never leave the org.
by JH inwe all had the same teachings when we joined the jw's.
we all studied the same books and magazines and all came to the same conclusion that this had to be god's organization.
we were told how god would establish a new world where we would all be healthy and eternal.
Ex-Bethelite Testifies About Spying In Watchtower World Headquarters
by fleet#44 inby paul blizard.
click for more at http://www.geocities.com/paulblizard/test.html it's not only going on but been expanded.
paul blizard writes .
It is why I do not reveal too much about myself on this board. I may be paranoid but I am convinced there is someone (a total organization man) who has the assignment of monitoring this board and in particular trying to root out people like myself -- that is a JW still in "good standing" that frequents this board and posts occasionally. I am convinced there is a spy network and I can tell you from experience there are certain elders who get kicks out of spying on people and then asking all sorts of intimate details on Judicial Committees.
Questions for hubsters or male significant others...
by Country Girl ini hate nagging.
my mother nagged me the whole time i was growing up.
i came to despise the image of female nagging.
I do not wish to be crude - so I will try to be as subtle as possible. My still a JW wife can get me to do anything (still jw ex elder) -- all she has to do is a sexual act and I am like quivering jello and will do anything she asks. If you are wondering what this is -- I will give you a clue (JWs are not supposed to do it - see March 15 1983 Watchtower pages 28-31 I think)
New threat in Terror attacks
by obiwan inwashington (cnn) -- the department of homeland security is warning that islamic extremists might be plotting suicide airliner hijackings to be carried out before the end of the summer, with possible targets including sites in britain, italy, australia or the eastern united states.
"as of mid-june, islamic extremists may have been planning suicide hijackings to be executed by the end of summer 2003," according to the document obtained tuesday by cnn.
"the plan may involve the use of five-man teams, each of which would attempt to seize control of a commercial aircraft either shortly after takeoff or shortly before landing at a chosen airport.
The man that is to be most feared is the man that has nothing left to lose -- or thinks he has nothing left to lose. Leaving the Islamic thing out of it so I do not offend Hamas , if I am on a plane that is hijicked I have nothing left to lose I am going to die anyway so I will do everything in my power, fight dirty etc, to kill those bastard hijackers (Isalmic or not) and sorry to you all if that sounds unchristian
How did you adjust to the world after leaving JW land ? friends/lonliness ?
by run dont walk inhow long did it take you to adjust to the real world ???
and make real friends, who didn't care about religion.
did you suffer from lonliness and depression after leaving ???.
I hedged my bets all along and still am doing. Have family that were and still are in the truth but most of family not in truth - de sure I still had plenty of "worldy'" friends and even did one or two worldy things. As an example I always visit my worldy mother and father on christmas morning and always give them a call on their birthdays etc. After resigning as an elder I did not worry about missing the odd meeting and then very rarely went into field service -- now I have loads of worldly friends, visit this bulletin board all the time (have done for 3 years) but only recently started posting. In my naivette I though that there would be some ultra-society loyalist/apologist who would become a member draw me out and determine my identity -- not easy leading a double life but I am building a normal life in case one day I go all the way and totally leave/DA/DFd etc. That is why I do not say too much about myself on this board. Do not know if this answers the original question " How ------- AFTER leaving" since I have not yet totally left.
All you members of this board are doing a great job by the way, keep up the good work -- you are helping me
Alcohol and the Witness
by Maverick inwhen i first was studying with the duds, one of the things i found interesting is that duds are ok with drinking alcohol, "in moderation".
i never was a big drinker, usually one drink if i'm out and will have to drive and no more than three in any 24 hour period, even if i'm staying home.. i wonder if the fact the "the judge" was a rumpot contributed to the soft attitude on alcohol?
most of the brothers i knew were big drinkers and many of the older elders drank more with dinner that i drink in a weekend.
Yes no question in my experience that many JWs are quite big drinkers. COs will certainly drink and the was once a joke going around that went something like this
Question "What is extremely spiritual and and alcoholic?"
Answer A German/French/Spanish Bethelite ---
depending on which country you were from -- I assume you all get the idea
When elders became stressed I know of quite a few whose best friend became Jack Daniels and Jim Beam (some pretended to be sophisticated with Glenmorangie or Glenfiddich etc. ) In fairness and to be honest I was one of them -- nothing better than a glass of Jack
Did You Really Believe in The 1975 Rhetoric?
by Guest 77 inpersonally no, and as such i was never disappointed that the system didn't end.
embarrassed, yes.
the org.
"It's the same today. There are two kinds of witnesses now; those who expect the end to come soon, and those who don't. The former tend to be arch-conservatives and extremely strict in their interpretation of bible doctrine. The latter are much more liberal in their outlook and laissez-faire with respect to "the rules."
Wilyloman is correct -- this is a good way of putting it and in my opinion it is a fair assessment
Did You Really Believe in The 1975 Rhetoric?
by Guest 77 inpersonally no, and as such i was never disappointed that the system didn't end.
embarrassed, yes.
the org.
Well I am "still in the truth" but was not in 1975. Baptised in the mid -80s but dates were not a big deal to me. 1994 though required me to do quite a bit of shepherdinfg as I was an elder at the time (and do not believe anything you are told ---1994 WAS a big deal to a lot of the brothers and sisters) -- in the end when I had to teach 607 BCE from the platform - I just could not in good conscience teach it -- so I resigned as an elder (and there were other reasons as I have posted on this board). It has zero evidence for it so I suppose I have contradicted myself in that dates are a big deal. The generation change and 1994 did matter and if you do graphs in Europe/Canada/Australia (1993-2003) , the publisher hours have been drifting lower ever since that date
What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inwhat do you think??
Read the parable of the prodigal son --- while he was a long way off his father cuaght sight of him and ran to greet him -- threw a party etc - killed the fatted calf.
Now what happens when someone wants to be reinstated---- while he was a long way off the person had to approach the judicial committee that dfd him -- and was told wait another six months and attend all the meetings with nobody talking to you then we will hold another jc to really see if you really are repentant and then nobody will be allowed to clap never mind kill the fatted calf and all the while there will still be restrictions ------ this is so outrageously anti-scriptural it was the key reason for me resigning as an elder- THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING TAUGHT/BELIEVED BY JWs -- beacuse it is so blatantly anti-scriptural.
Door-to-Door Work - Most Inneffective Work of the 21st Century
by Black Man inknockin' on doors when nobody's home, processing ten of thousands of hours that u know are fake, refusing to embrace modern-technology to further the work just adds up to the most ineffective public relations campaign of the 21st century---yep, you guessed it the house-to-house work.........
I am still a witness in "good standing" and I know that I do anything , browse shop windows, look at nice cars etc, but still count about 10 hours per month - I should stop the pretense really but have not got the courage -- too many family in the truth