what do you think???
What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends
....That the 7 trumpet blasts of Revelation refer to a series of Bible student conventions in the 1920's.
Mr. Kim
The attempted ENSLAVEMENT to the so-called governing Body of Elders AKA the Faithful and discrete slave class and of course the ever "perfect" elders of each Kingdom Hall...............
Shall I continue?
That people would really believe it was just a library card.
I just want to apologize for my previous post. I had a blood transfusion that made me behave like that.
I really want to apologize for the previous two posts. I lied about the blood transfusion. Apparently the vaccination I had this morning was a serum derived from a chronic liar.
I am so sorry for all of these terrible posts! Please forgive me. I must have had a bad batch of Miracle Wheat for breakfast.
Tipping your hat to a lady is a Satanic plot.
Prohibition is a Satanic plot.
Mother's Day is a Satanic plot.
Surrogate mothers are adulterers.
Chess is not for Christians.
Beastiality is not grounds for divorce.
Organ transplants are cannibalism.
Adam checked out the animals for potential mates before Eve was created.
A person with a small nose cannot have a judicial mind.
In 1914, an invisible war was fought in heaven, and Jesus was invisibly installed over the earth, where he invisibly reigns.
.... Man, the list just won't end.
Swan / Tammy You're not wrapping your food in Aluminum Foil are you ?
What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?
That the Internet is the " Tool of Satan ".
In 1918, a few guys, who are now long forgotten, were thrown into prison, thereby fulfilling just about every prophecy ever recorded in the Bible.
A modern printing company was prefigured by every Bible character ever mentioned, and half of the inanimate objects in the old testament.