I just started looking for a thread on this crazy story and as soon as I saw "fascinated" and "creeped out" I knew exactly what you were talking about. LOL
I'm watching some of these women being interviewed telling the reporter they are not brainwashed and they are loved and happy . . . blah blah blah and it seems like they are running on D batteries.
Posts by sandy
Is anybody else both fascinated and creeped out...
by Jewel in...by the flds brouhaha down in texas?
obviously the doctrine is way different, but there are so many similarities: the haunted look in so many eyes, the oppressively patriarchy, the lack of feeling, the use of fear and separation for control, the whole everyone-else-is-evil mentality.
American Idol did Andrew Lloyd Webber songs tonight!
by changeling ini love ai and i love alw, so i was happy as a clam.
to bad some of those talented people had no clue when it comes to musical theater.. i want david cook to win, how about you guys?.
changeling :).
I love both Davids too! I want Davis Cook to win. David Archuleta win or lose is already money in the bank. I'll be surprised if he doesn't do extremely well after AI.
Out of all of the contestants this year David Cook has proved to be the most original. I can't wait to see what he comes up with tonight. I hope he doesn't disappoint. -
Coming to a KH near you...the generation/new light WT
by Mickey mouse innext weekend congregations around the world will be studying the wt article on the new definition of a "generation".. i would think there will be an epidemic of cognitive dissonance.
this must be the first time there has been a change of doctrine on a singular topic twice in 13 years.
for those still in like me, use the opportunity to get your partner thinking..
Does anyone have a scan of the WT? Is there a thread here with one?
One of the few (good) clean jokes I know....
by Alpaca inmoshe is walking down the street, and he sees a friend coming toward him & the friend is crying his eyes out.
moshe: davey, whats wrong?
davey: well, you know moshe, i tried to be a good father, i raised my boy jewish, sent him out into the world, and he came back a christian.
LOL That's funny!
I'm sure Jehovah and Jesus are offended tremendously by someone wearing a baseball cap.
Are you safety conscious? Come on girls, read it!
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit ini'm writing this because of a conversation i had with a co-worker who made it plain that she is anti-gun, 'guns kill people', yada yada.
she doesn't know that my gun is on me everyday, within just feet of her during the day, she still doesn't.
i'm writing this because i have seen a trait that's common to the anti-gun crowd, and it's a scary one.
I've been thinking about getting a gun for protection here at home. It's just guns make me so nervous. I went to the shooting range with my fiance and I was way too nervous. I shot the gun once and that was it, I started crying. The shell hit me on the face and scared the hell out of me. LOL
I am very aware of my surroundings no matter where I am. I used to let my guard down when on vacation though. As paranoid as I can be that surprised people, even me. So I'm making it a habit to not do that anymore.
Also, I always drive with my car doors locked. I cannot believe how many people drive with their doors unlocked. -
Van Morrison - Your Favorite Album or Songs From Him ?
by flipper intruly an amazing artist and songwriter of our time has been van morrison .
from the time he started in the 60's till today, he continues to pump out soulful, bluesy, great tunes, not only as a vocalist, but as an accomplished musician as well !
what are your all time favorite songs by him ?
Love his music! My favorite has to be . . . Into The Mystic.
by cognac infricken awesome singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
to watch him on youtube:.
I was so disappointed as well when he didn't make it past Hollywood. Did anyone catch him on Ellen a few weeks ago? She gave him about $8,000 worth of recording equipment.
Who are you all voting for now? Im not sure yet. I do like Ramiele a lot. The guys I'm not sure. I loved that Jason Castro did the Leonard Cohen song, Hellelujah. He was great!
David Archuleta kid is growing on me too. I didn't like him at first even though I though he was a good singer. He seemed so young and precocious. Most precocious kids I know or have seen bother me a bit.
I think the right people were eliminated tonight. -
The Year of Living Biblically - JW encounter
by Shepherd Book ini just finished reading the above mentioned book (author = a.j.
as the tile indicates, jacobs tries to follow the bible literally for an entire year.
I heard this guy on NPR talking about his new book a couple months or so back and I've been meaning to pick it up. Thanks for reminding me.
It sounds like a really great read. -
What would you do with 200 million dollars?
by annalice inok ,so i'm really bumed that i didnt win this last weeks mega millons.
the first thing i was going to do with my 200 mill.
was buy a nice big billboard right across from bethal and have it say "the truth is a lie!
take care of my family
travel the world w/ my honey