I've looked for a thread but I couldn't find one here.
This is really freaky! I just don't get how people end up with these psychotic people and not know it. Am I missing something here! Maybe my fiance is psychotic and I don't even know it. LOL Really though . . . I'm serious. How can you not know? Or can you be that oblivious to a sociopath?
These case are so heartbreaking and it seems they can be avoided so easily if these women were a little more aware and cared a little more about themselves.
I don't mean to make judgments here or look down on anyone. And I in no way feel she deserved this. Just in case soneone is going to try and read more into what I'm trying to say. This is just so unbelievably sad to me and so hard to understand.
Posts by sandy
The Jessie Davis Story
by sandy ini've looked for a thread but i couldn't find one here.
this is really freaky!
i just don't get how people end up with these psychotic people and not know it.
Has your idea of how you want to be disposed of changed?
by sinis inof course i'm talking about death.
i know in the borg, since most people are cheap, or don't have money, there was always a push for cremation.
i know my grandmother was cremated, as well as my father in law, and i think the issue was more for finances.
I think I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered in a forest. Oh and I want the song "For Good" from the musical Wicked to be sung at my funeral. LOL but I'm serious . . .
Very scarry encounter
by ex-nj-jw ini just had an encounter with a man at the bank and i'm still shaking:.
i pull up to the bank to use the atm ( atm in small lobby), i park next to a large truck and next to the truck was another car.
there was 1 man using the atm, and no one in line or outside.
My advice it to avoid walk-up ATMs if you can . . . I also will not use them at night. And I always circle around once before I use it. Is that being paranoid? I just always try to be aware of my surroundings at all times.
Video from 2007 Convention
by kwr inthis is only a few minutes long, but i thought people might be interested in viewing it.
Alligator Wisdom : I was wondering if this was San Diego as well. just curious . . .
I used to think picketing was not right as well. But now I feel the same way as someone said . . . Give them a taste of their own medicine.
I would love to go under cover as a JW and start chatting it up with a picketer in front of an attendant. If he asked for my name and congregation I'd give it freely. I wonder if the elders from my hall would call me. I've been inactive for years. Or, at the very least I wonder how long it would take to get back to my family.
Anyone up for this here in So Cal? Maybe I should just get a life . . . I've had too much time on my hands lately. -
Very scarry encounter
by ex-nj-jw ini just had an encounter with a man at the bank and i'm still shaking:.
i pull up to the bank to use the atm ( atm in small lobby), i park next to a large truck and next to the truck was another car.
there was 1 man using the atm, and no one in line or outside.
I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you're okay. I would let it be . . . If he tries to press charges I'd pay for the damage and be done with him. But he'll probably let it go. I hope for your sake.
One time I was driving home from work in rush hour traffic (still a fairly new driver) and I bumped this lady in front of me at a red light.
OMG! The lady got out of her car and started screaming at me at the top of her lungs. I was a little scared . . . But I'm sure I'd have been more scared if it was a man acting this way. She wrote down m license plate number and yelled at me some more telling me if I don't pull over at some gas station nearby she call the police and report me.
We got back in our cars and I pulled over at the gas station but she never stopped. I worried for a few days but never heard anything from her again. There was no damage to either car as I remember.
So I hope this guy was all talk . . . -
Netflix or blockbuster online
by 5go inwhich is better ?
i am trying netflix and i am little disapointed with them two days still no movies..
I had netflix cut canceled after blockbuster started their new program rent online or in store. They are a lot quicker. As soon as you return a movie to the store and take out a new one a new dvd seems to arrive in the mail so fast. It cuts out a day or two of mail time. BB has always been good w/ me about the late movie return procedure. I'm not sure if it's new but even if you past the seven day return policy you have 30 days to pay $1.25 late fee before they charge you for the movie.
yeah, my niece who is disfellowshipped was planning to go with me. But she backed out at the last minute. She said she was too busy . . . Granted she did have a busy week but I think her not going had more to do with her mom telling her things like . . .
It's your conscience . . . blah blah blah I hope you don't become Demonized. My sister is a little bit paranoid. LOL -
I saw the play last night, finally. I loved it! I really loved the ending that was surprising.
Audience participation during public talks
by Bonnie_Clyde inwe hear so much about the boring talks.. several years ago an attempt was made to liven things up a bit by randomly choosing people before the public talk, handing them a slip of paper with a question on it, and asking if they would like to answer the question when called upon during the talk.
that must have been 20+ years ago.
anybody know why that practice was discontinued?.
I remember this little play they put on during what must have been a service meeting. It was warning people about music.
They actually played the song . . . . . .Abra-abra-cadabra. Remeber that song? . . . . . Abra-abra-cadabra I want to reach out and grab ya
Abra-abra-cadabra - Abracadabra
As a kid (probably after that meeting) I was always afraid of that song. LOL -
Paris Hilton sent back to jail
by free2beme inthey sent paris hilton back to jail.
as i have expressed on here many time, paris hilton is my least favorite of the hollywood people.
so, seeing her escorted from the court to the police car like a common criminal, while she yelled for her mother, ...... .
I agree, I hope this teachers her a huge lesson. But OMG is Right . . . It was only a 23 day sentence when she turned her self in this past week. And from what I hear they were protecting her in their, she had her own cell. And the spoiled little rich girl couldn't hack it. Come on! I fault the parents for the way she is though. And I must say I am in no way jealous of her and her money. If I got busted for DUI I'd be so remorseful. I would be so sorry and accept whatever punishment given me. I am so lucky that I've never hurt anyone or myself by drinking and then driving. Now that I'm older I am much more responsible. This girl really needs to mature and take some responsibility for her actions.