Amen brother! I finally see the light. Thanks!
Posts by sandy
JW e-mail going around (gag warning)
by alamb ina different congregationthrough all my years as a witness, the times past were not always good.. too many mistakes were being made, brothers not doing what they i look back now, there are times, i can recall,when i didn't look forward to going to the kingdom hall.
the brothers showed no love.
they didn't seem to care.the elders were unyielding, demanding and unfair.meetings were dull and boring.
2008 study WT will be confiscated from non-publishers
by mac n cheese inthe literature servant told me that their instructions are to only give one study wt per publisher starting with the january 1st, 2008 issue.
under no circumstances are they to provide any other copies (if lost or whatever, much like kms are provided now).
any guests attending the wt study will be provided a copy, but then the servant who gave them the copy must confiscate it after the meeting.
LOL This is hard to believe even though dub-land is quite strange, to put it nicely . . . I guess I wouldn't be too surprised if it's true.
If I actually see this new rule in writing I may be tempted to actually attend a Sunday meeting just to steal a WT. LOL -
Caught quite a doozy at the meeting Thursday night...
by B_Deserter inok, get this.... .
according to the man that gave this talk, we don't need to worry about whether it was possible for the jonah story to be true (surviving in the stomach of a sea-going animal for three days without dying), it was true because god said it, and that's what proves it to be true.
My niece who was about five at the time asked me about the ark story. I can't remember the exact words but she couldn't understand how Noah could fit two of every animal on the ark. I think that was the topic. I just remember she impressed me so much with her question about some biblical story that sisn't make sense to her.
I know at her age I was dumb as rocks. She is totally into science and math. She is so smart. She is my one great hope that she'll be the family member to grow up and leave the cult and really make something of her self. Whenever I am around her I talk about science with her. Not that I know much about it. But we talk about different shows we both watch on the History and Discover channel. I always ask her questions about school and what she's learning.
I get so excited when I think about her and what her future could be. She is the sweetest, most generous kid too. She always wants to help people and animals. I like to imagine that she'll grow up and find a cure for cancer.
A couple days ago we were talking about the Mars Rover documentary and as the scientists pointed out kids of elementary age now could actually be the first ones to walk on Mars. She thought that was really cool.
I try my best to encourage her away from the org w/out being negative about the dubs. It's not easy . . . -
How would u respond? Reply from Elder who I let in on the pedophile cases
by What-A-Coincidence in"...i can not believe that you have fallen for that stupid trick ... you know better then that how can you let that happen to you ...this how you show your love for jehovah you are a fool big time i am sorry to say that but you was a mature man but know you have been blinded by the devil think about bwhat you are thinking and talking .... i will tell you something i am going to call every brother that you were close to not to listen to your demonic issues and i cannot believe you have become an agent for the devil, so sad.
wake -up before it is to late....".
think he actually read the issue at hand?.
WAC, that is pretty much how my sister responded to the dateline special a fews years back and the UN information I gave her. She sounded so childish, immature to me when she denied it all and called them all liars and haters of Jehovah. It was really disappointing that I was actually more mature and smarter than my older(ten yrs older) siter. I looked up to her my whole life so you can imagine my disappointment.
Look at what they are doing at dub receptions.
by darth frosty inwell it would be fun.... .
That was so funny! I always love people w/ a great sense of humor.
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire inwhat was the big deal with that dam tree to begin with!
Hi Blue! How are you?
I've thought about this many times even as a young dub. I always wondered why Jehovah God himself didn't come to earth and sacrifice himself. Why did he send his son to be tortured and killed? He could have left Jesus in charge while he came down to earth to do the whole sacrificial death thing. Really he wouldn't have needed to leave anyone in charge b/c it seems like he doesn't do much for us down here anyways. LOL Am I gonna go to hell for that last comment? Seriously If I were God I'd have done it myself not put my child through it.
For those who may be feeling pity for me I do believe in God or higher power but the bible makes no sense to me anymore. I don't think that is the place to find God. -
Any Detectives here?
by sandy ini need to trace a phone number but i don't want to pay for the service.
does anybody know of any websites where i can find the info for free?
i've been looking for the past hour+ and only found sites that charge.
Thanks Flip, I will keep you in mind if and when I decide to call it.
Any Detectives here?
by sandy ini need to trace a phone number but i don't want to pay for the service.
does anybody know of any websites where i can find the info for free?
i've been looking for the past hour+ and only found sites that charge.
Thanks . . . it looks like the number isn't listed.
Any Detectives here?
by sandy ini need to trace a phone number but i don't want to pay for the service.
does anybody know of any websites where i can find the info for free?
i've been looking for the past hour+ and only found sites that charge.
Thanks RebelWife. I did try those but none of them are free.
I know that the number is a Nextel Cell# but I cannot get who it belongs to unless I pay for the info and even then it is not guaranteed to be accurate or updated info.
I'm trying to avoid calling the number but I just may pretty soon. -
Any Detectives here?
by sandy ini need to trace a phone number but i don't want to pay for the service.
does anybody know of any websites where i can find the info for free?
i've been looking for the past hour+ and only found sites that charge.
I need to trace a phone number but I don't want to pay for the service. Does anybody know of any websites where I can find the info for free? I've been looking for the past hour+ and only found sites that charge.