Again thanks to all,
There is one thing I would like to say is, that once a person has completely trust in an organization it is hard to make them think otherwise. When I started to share some of my believes with one of my friends who are a JW but we were long times friends before we became witnesses I was expecting a friend above all a guy that would have an ear of what I have to say but instead they feared me. For example, my friend and his wife who are a JW were invited to a party at a worldly friend. So every one was worldly except for the 3 of us and one friend that used to study and became an unbaptised publisher but never got baptised. So I decided to see my friend and his wife first an later together we could go to the party together since we were all invited.
When I stepped in I knew right away their attitude have changed toward me it was cold they forced themself to act as normal as possible but they could not hide it from me, then the question came am I going to stay at his place for the night after the party or at my other friend I knew right away they did not want me to stay so after the party was over I went to my other friend's house and he told me did you realise that every room you been too that my friend and his wife swicthed to another location. I don't have to tell you how hurt I was even him could see that.
The thing is that's the guy that can tell you openly he does not agree that the governing body is lead by the Holy Spirit, and at the time he told me this I even think he was blaspeming although never told him.
One of this day I will write my story and I'm telling you I having stabbed many times. Lucky for me I have never put my trust completely to the organization. I saw misused of biblical text at circuit overseer meeting that blew me away and I knew then they are dangerous and controlling people's mind. Those are a serie of event that would lead me to verify their saying more closely.