From the beginnig I had doubt about 2 classes of Cristians, however i did go along with the witnesses because they seem to be right on many things that I thought were OK, for example, living in the end time. They were logic but of course i did not have anything to compare when i studied with them.
Over time, i saw some of the teaching were not matching God words, They took a lot verses out of context to match their doctrines. In 2001 we had the one day school for the Ministerial Servant and i was disgust of how the use some text from the bible to give themself more authorities over the brother and sisters I had the crisp over what the speaker said. This guy was from the bethel. I knew this guy because on many ocasion after asemblys we had gone to restaurants.
This was the bell ringing to tell me that i have seen no reconciliation with the kind of love Christ had for his follower.
After that I would see during asemblies how a speaker coming from bethel N.Y. would talk about apostats and use a verse from the book of Proverb to show not to associate with apostats, well i took note of that text, when i got home i when to a diferent translation to examine that text because i felt it fit too well for themself. Yes the word apostat was not from other bible translation.
I was asking myself why the talk so much about apostats, because as a witness i have never seen any activities of apostat except when i went to an asembly in Toronto in 93 at the skydome where they were outside protesting.
I could go on for ever also they are control freaks, eventhough i had no problems following the JW life but i know they don't give you space to breath, the bible is right, Jeremy 10:23 and the Organization failed to honour God.
Today i feel sometimes ashame that i had been mislead by the witnesses.