Zed: hope you had a chance to refuel. Are you doing okay?
Zed: hope you had a chance to refuel. Are you doing okay?
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
I have found this discussion very enlightening and encouraging. I appreciate the different viewpoints.
It has given me much to think about.
Yada:empathy and compassion not fear. Its funny , I always thought the "truth" was supposed to free us from fear. I never realised how big of a part fear played in my life as a JW.
Perfect 1: I am glad you are happy. I know what you mean about not seeing a future. I always figured I would die at the big A.
Planning for a future is a new concept. I will need to think about my passion and spark.
Right now I am doing one day at time.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Thank you xyz .. your post gave me a lot to think about. I never thought about how much energy it takes to try took. My life did revolve around trying to make god happy and feeling guilty for falling short.
I have been struggling most of my adult life to serve god. Something inside me would rebel and I would go inactive. Then I would fe guilty and I would try again. I guess I knew deep down but refused to acknowledge something wasnt right.
Aunt fancy: maybe this time I can break away.Talking to my daughter has helped alot. She does not talk WT. She talks logic and has been helping me see thingz differently. She swears she wasnt on this site. But she sure ends up saying the same thing Ive been reading here.
Thank you for your encouragement Lois.
I ve been feeling a little better since I started the meds. I reread the posts when I feel down.
Thanks for being there for me everyone.
perhaps, one of the most arrogant and contradicting behaviors of jdubs.... what is the difference between celebrating a baby shower and a birthday?...they both have ancient origins, from pagan people, including egyptians and the greek.... have you guys noticed any other hypocrite celebrations/behaviors jdubs engage in?.
Graduation parties are big in my area. Even kids who graduate from home school or get their GED usually gets one.
Sometimes they get very elaborate.
when i was a kid,kingdom halls still had windows.thats a while ago..as a kid i was told in the last days,jehovah`s witness`s would be rounded up and be put into concentration camps..i was told,when the government came to take me away and seperate me from my parents,i should wear my warmest coat and boots.as i would have to fend for myself in the concentration camp..i was told never to give up my faith.even if they tied my parents to a stake and was foced to light the fire that would burn them alive.....jehovah`s witness`s are the "happiest people on earth!
".....do you have any happy memorys like mine?...outlaw
anyone remember that?
i learned to read on that book.there were some very disturbing images,like the earth opening up and people falling into it.like upside down ladies and hippies.id love to get a hold of one and peruse it with a friend and some herbal medicine.maybe there is one in the attic?anyway,that and the image of the snake talking to the beautiful,bare shouldered eve,who was holding an apple,made a big impression on me.any else have any faves from that book?is it still being used?.
Trevor Scott : the picture in Chapter 25 of the paradise lost book really scared me. The vivid discriptions of the dead were almost as bad as the pictures.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
LisaRose: I will try writing. Thanks for the med. Tip. I will also try meditation.
Gnat: thank you for sharing. You discribed exactly what I have been going through. That disconnect. I have an understanding husband too.
I cant believe its been almost a week since my first post. Thank you all for your encouraging words and advice.
I will be following a lot of the recommendations I received.
Thanks for being there for me.
I'm sorry you're feeling down. It's hard when you feel like you are running on empty.
I know the feeling. Know you are not alone.
Get some rest and take care of yourself.
If you feel up to it, let us know what is happening to make you feel so low.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Perfect 1: how? Within what?
Im working on Nicks perspective: minimize harm...maximize loved ones happines.
But the accepting myself for the person I am part...hard..im not sure if I even like the person I am. I feel like a shell. How can you get strength from a shell?
Ididn't mean this to be a poor me thread. I never considered before that there might not be a god. This board had introduced me to rational intelligent people who dont believe in god.
Im curious as to how they build their strength and what gives them purpose. Do we still have spirituality without god?
i wanted to know if anyone knows which watchtower articles speak about working with or for a disfellowshipped person.
it would appear that there is now a huge witch hunt regarding this because of my recent situation.
Any updates?