JoinedPosts by Miss.Fit
Ray Franz
by thedog1 inam reading coc at the moment, about half way through.
just finished reading some of the details of what happened in malawi and mexico years ago.
which reminded me that in the early 80's a very well known elder in the country i was then living in went to new york as he had discovered all the discrepencies between what had happened in malawi and in mexico and wanted to know what the gb had to say about it.
Just checking in. Haven't heard from you lately. Hope all is well.
Has anyone heard from metespy or knows how he is?
I just started posting when I saw this thread 6 months ago. I was impressed and touched by the caring and concern shown on this board.
I think of this thread from time to time and checked to see if there was an update.
I still care.
There ARE other kinds of crazy . . .
by Hortensia ini was reading the forums over at ravelry.com and came upon one about knitting for fictional characters.
these folks want to knit something for the characters in twilight, for instance, or tlotr.
i was reading along, thinking what dweebs these folks are, and how they need to get a life, until someone mentioned she'd like to knit socks for mad-eye moody.. i sat right up!
Did you ever knit that scarf? My husband crocheted a scarf for my daughter that looks like the ravenclaw scarf from Harry Potter. She is a big fan.
Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control
by flipper ini've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !
Thanks Flipper,
I always enjoy your posts. You have been very encouaging to me.
The first step was realising I was not really free and was not "in the Truth."
I also was going back and forth into the Organization. I could not understand why it was so hard to stay in. I had nagging thoughts but dismissed them.
I agree learning about mind control methods is a great tool to understanding the pull of the organization.
Learning that I don't have to view my husband and children as walking dead, and myself as unworthy of living, has freed me. Now I just have to learn to live!
I just got to play householder!
by Laika ini was a little nervous and a bit dazed, i think i will do better next time.
he offered me the memorial invite, i told him i had jw family who would invite me and he got interested and wanted to find out more, so i told him i wasn't interested in the jw religion, he asked why and i said i find it too controlling.
he thought i was talking about moral rules so started on about how jehovah doesn't want to restrict us 'blah blah', so i pointed out that i meant they're not allowed to read certain materials which is wrong if it's as true as they are confident of.. he then went on about how satan uses false teaching to manipulate us and so we have to be careful of what we read.
Any one from Ireland? Happy St. Patrick's Day. How do you celebrate?
by Miss.Fit inhello all, i know st.patrick's day is about over.. i was just curious how many of you observed the holiday.
i live in the usa in the south west.
where i live we have a large population of native americans and hispanics.. so st.patrick's day is low key.. we wear green and talk about drinking green beer.. i started to wonder what a real celebration would entail.. i dressed as a lepercaun for story time..
This is my last day being a leprechaun.
Green week is over.
Next week is spring break. We will be "visiting" other counties during storytime.
Thanks for giving me a little taste of Ireland.
Any one from Ireland? Happy St. Patrick's Day. How do you celebrate?
by Miss.Fit inhello all, i know st.patrick's day is about over.. i was just curious how many of you observed the holiday.
i live in the usa in the south west.
where i live we have a large population of native americans and hispanics.. so st.patrick's day is low key.. we wear green and talk about drinking green beer.. i started to wonder what a real celebration would entail.. i dressed as a lepercaun for story time..
Crmsicl: are you Irish? Did you observe St.Patrick's day?
How about any more trivia. I find this fasinating.
Any one from Ireland? Happy St. Patrick's Day. How do you celebrate?
by Miss.Fit inhello all, i know st.patrick's day is about over.. i was just curious how many of you observed the holiday.
i live in the usa in the south west.
where i live we have a large population of native americans and hispanics.. so st.patrick's day is low key.. we wear green and talk about drinking green beer.. i started to wonder what a real celebration would entail.. i dressed as a lepercaun for story time..
Thank you for the info phizzy.
I have been thinking of Ireland this week because I do story time for the kids and our theme was think green. I'll be dressing as a leprechaun all week.
I'll have to try some draught. (After work of course. .. a drunk leprechaun might scar the kiddies)
I went to the store to get St.Patrick's day stuff and had a hard time finding anything.
I think it would be fun to see a real Irish St. Patrick's day celebration.