Thank you guys...for all your words.
He says I have grounds......again. (It doesn't take a genious to figure out what he's been DOING or WHO I should say after our separation.) And NO this is not the first time. You are right I CANNOT blame everything on the BORG. I gave all my power to the Borg and to him. I am taking it back now.
There has been too many jw mind games for us to reconcile. i am sorry to say. The $*%& about me trying to figure out the difference between porneia and the deed is just exhausting me. Sitting before the elders twice before to figure this out was humiliating.
i believe he is DID, Bi-polar, &$*%($ up, and a JW true and true to his core. The worst kind.....KNOWS BETTER than to do it....but pulls it out of his $%% when it's convenient.
I am not going back guys....sorry. happy ending here. are right... this new girl and him will play "I love being out in the world" UNTIL his emotions come crashing down on him. WIll this new little sheep....get SUCKED in or will she tell him to $^%% off and not care enough to learn about mind control? That my friends, is for that $%#^$# to worry about.
As for me..... I will try my new little apostate wings out in the world...very slowly and VERY cautiously......BUT I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO THE BORG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you alll...........................Scoobs