JoinedTopics Started by Scooby
How Long did it take you to re-build?
by Scooby injust wondering how long it took/ is taking many of you to rebuild your lives and say goodbye to phobias, etc.?.
for those who grew up in the borg and don't have a point of reference to go back to....what have you done to create a new life free from that anguish to your mind?
did a new religion help or therapy?
How has your marriage been affected by leaving the WTS?
by Leander init's been exactly 2 years since i stopped attending jw meetings and it's taken a toll on my marriage.
i expected as much but i guess you can never really prepare for the pain you have to go through when one mate no longer believes in the same things they once did.
i think my wife has honestly tried hard (as have i) to make the relationship work but i think we're both realizing that there are some really large issues before us that will never be resolved.
first timer...feelin like crap
by Boolean inhey everyone....this this my first time on one of these forums... been out for short while, but i miss my family and the friends i grew up with.. feeling a little shitty.
how did u cope with suddenly being cut off from the people that you love and depend on?.
by the way, if your wondering about my nik, look it up, thats how my mind is right now.
How did you stuck in the JW borg ???????
by run dont walk in.
i was born into it, and had a rough ride getting out, not much fun growing up having little respect (didn't want to use the hate word) for your parents/family.. i can honestly say my parents had no idea how life works, as is the case for most jw's.. how did you get stuck in it, and how long did it take you to finally walk away (or still trying to) ???
(took me years)
JW's not happy people
by wannaexit ini've noticed a lot of discontent among my jw friends.
i've had some express to me how stressed out they are because the meetings take up too much time and the assemblies are too long.
( a lot of complaining about this international assembly coming up).
New member
by Winston Smith :>D ini just wanted to say hi to the group here.. been baptized for 15 years now.
my wife has been baptized for a little less than that time period.. been an aux poi., reg pio, ms. wife is a reg pio currently.
now im just a lowly publisher :d. have had many doubts over the years on small matters.
Divorce is now final
by Scooby inhi you guys... just thought i'd pass on my sadness for me to heal a little.. if that's okay.. i was in the "program" for 11 years, husband witnessed to me in college while he was inactive, we studied together, got baptized & married.
had rough times... but i loved him so much........unconditionally despite wt doctrine.
last 3 years we both started to miss meetings and question the bs.
Feeling Pretty Bad
by rebel ini hate mondays!.
i also feel bad because i have been receiving subtle hints from my hubby that he may be leaving me.
we have been married for 24 years, have 4 beautiful, intelligent children (one is no longer with us), we have been though troubles, worries, the death of our darling claire, money problems - you name it - we've been there.. now - because i have different religious views to him, he doesn't think he can associate himself with me any longer.
Trumpet Blasts
by Scooby indoes anyone have an explanation as to the trumpet blasts in revelation?
the wt talks about them being the conventions in the 1920's.
odd how that one is explained.