JoinedTopics Started by Scooby
How Long did it take you to re-build?
by Scooby injust wondering how long it took/ is taking many of you to rebuild your lives and say goodbye to phobias, etc.?.
for those who grew up in the borg and don't have a point of reference to go back to....what have you done to create a new life free from that anguish to your mind?
did a new religion help or therapy?
Divorce is now final
by Scooby inhi you guys... just thought i'd pass on my sadness for me to heal a little.. if that's okay.. i was in the "program" for 11 years, husband witnessed to me in college while he was inactive, we studied together, got baptized & married.
had rough times... but i loved him so much........unconditionally despite wt doctrine.
last 3 years we both started to miss meetings and question the bs.
Trumpet Blasts
by Scooby indoes anyone have an explanation as to the trumpet blasts in revelation?
the wt talks about them being the conventions in the 1920's.
odd how that one is explained.
Shunning Info
by Scooby indoes anybody know what publication this is from?
i need to know when i call my brother in law today.
thanks- scooby
Jeopardy and the NWT
by Scooby inhey guys-.
my friends in the borg used to say that they heard on jeopardy tv show that a question came up once that said.......... what is the most accurage bible transalation ever created.
they said that the answer was nwt.. did anyone else ever hear that?.
I am sorry to report......
by Scooby insorry friends to report, my husband and i are divorcing.
he could not handle me saying i will never go back to the truth.
he is not ready to face all the crap from growing up a jw.
Does Everybody turn our okay after leaving?
by Scooby ini am curious... do you know some that have left the truth that become "worse" people?
for years i would hear about some who left the truth and rumours how they are on drugs, in jail, etc.
and many bros and sis would say, "you might as well go out in the world and do all the bad stuff..cuz you're dead at armaggedon!".
Keep trying to reach us JW's
by Scooby injust want to say that, if you can, try to talk to witnesses when they come to your door....don't give up.. a man i met in field service last year actually listened to what i had to say when i came to his door.
what a sweet man!!!
he then stood there for a whole hour with me and my friend and we talked about truth.
Difference between Disfellowshipping and inactive/disassociation
by Scooby indo you guys know what the difference is between disfellowshipped/inactive/disassociation?.
i am not sure which one to do to myself (ha ha)!!!
i figured your experiences would help me decide which one is right for me as i don't trust i'll get the best answer for me from one of my current jw friends.