Hi Nick,
I'm sorry that you had to go through this..I'm a witness....I go alot myself..sometimes I get so overwhelmed, & say, well if I could talk to an elder or sister or brother...then I say..hey I can talk to God...&&& you know this is what God was telling me all the time...I'm here...Man doesn't have time ....especially witnesses...they are on a guilt treadmill & if it's not them going through it, they say the samething over & over again, because they don't know either...think about this Nick...remember when the Israelites had to go through the Red Sea...that had to take courage....they most likely prayed to God, they didn't rely on man, they couldn't they had to escape...Nick, all that to say...God will help us through our trials...no at times he may not take them away....God does help us to cope...if you read the bible alone without the help of man's interpretation, you'll get it...it's a simple message....Go to God...as you see going to Man, you get no where...The Bible are life lessons...there isn't anything in there that can't help you...halls, churches are places to fellowship, & you may find a friend or answer, but most of the time...it's in the bible...I tell you of the Red Sea because that was a difficult thing to do...to see water on both sides of you & still you must walk...that took faith...yes, faith for the moment, but still in all faith....See how many things you have been through & you have come through them without the help of man....You are looking in the wrong place..man can't even direct his own steps...The friends at the hall are just people who are dellusioned, & I can also say...selfish...the answer is right there...in the Bible...Hope we talk again...