Just Wondering if any one has heard from ones still asleep, what their feedback has been and what comments have been made by the Rank and File??
Zone Visit feedback, from ones still in??
by Crazyguy 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My mother was very cautious at first when talking about it. Eventually she admitted that she ended up not enjoying the zone visit. While she understood what Morris may have been trying to say, his delivery was terrible. She said she did not feel encouraged at the end. My mom is a die hard uber dub, so for her to say that it means that many people probably didn't enjoy that last talk. She said it was all his opinions even though he said that they weren't. She also said she would not be surprised if he was scolded for his talk by other members of the GB. My mom will never leave the organization but for her to say these things means they did screw up.
On the flip side I have seen social media posts of how they loved his frank straight forward talk. So take it all for what it's worth. A half a penny.
I talked to my Mom about it, and she was very uplifted by TOMO III's talk.
What she got out of it was that parents do have a degree of responsibility to what their children's actions were, but that they shouldn't take it too harshly anyways. She also kept saying that TOMO III was just joking around and making jokes about things.
A lot of what she was saying about it was very garbled and vague.
Talked to my wife and mother in law about it. My wife know how I feel about this whole org. She herlself, without questioning told me that she could not wait for it to end. Even the oldest of the elders, he stepped on the platform to give the closing prayer as soon as AM3 walked off the mic. He did not expect hte closing remarks or he was really eager to go home. Today I talked to my wife about it and apparently she was not listening when AM3 clarified that, if we had a problem with his remarks, we had to take it up with God. Ask my mother in law and she also thought they were opinions, not law. I reminded them once again about his opening comments (God told him to say these things) and they both commented that this man might have been a bit harsh.
A pioneer described it as "interesting".
Not "encouraging, "upbuilding", "faith-strenghtening", etc. The word she chose was "interesting".
In the paranoid world of loyal brain-dead JWs, that's about as close as you can get to calling it a "disastrous flop".
My wife refered to it as "the most bizarre meeting I've ever sat through"
Mostly, though, everyone just made fun of the tight pants rant.
Newly Enlightened
same recycled B.S.
Ministerial Serpent
I am leaving for the Branch Meeting which is starting for me at 12:00 PM PST . I will be live updating in this post then.
Edit: it's a bunch of generic crap. I will bold anything of interest.
It's starting!
Spanish congregations tied in
Video of some of the governing body helpers
Bro Corkrin? Governing body helper leading WT summary
Generic Satan is cause of all our problems
Stay loyal to organization and get to live forever blah blah blah
Be faithful to those taking the lead in the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses aka the Governing body
Bro Leon Weever helper of Governing body presenting a report on kingdom work
Talking about the JW.org campaign. 900% increase in auxiliary pioneers.
Experiences of people from other religions saying they would look at JW.org and loving it
Governing body made pilot program of ten brothers working remote northern areas. Hearing stories and watching slideshow of their adventures
International convention highlights. Worldly people so amazed how nice JWs are. Implied Jehovah helped get stadium contracts signed.
Talking about need for more Kingdom Halls. New Local Design Committee LDC will have full time workers. RBC will change but we will hear how in the future.
Donations appreciated
Bro Herd Governing Body member giving talk How the Time Does Fly
Armageddon is near. Addressing old ones. Even tho getting old 'do not get tired and give out'.
Addressing Bethelites. Read bible. Read your magazines and publications. Keep praying. Keep going to meetings even if you are tired. (There must be a slacker problem.)
Interesting comment from Herd, "at bethel you are at the top of the ladder of Jehovah's work".
Bethelites need to be on time to their assignments at 8am and stay until 5pm . (Why are we hearing this?) "Late arrivals are rude arrivals" (Definitely a slacker problem)
Yay fat wife jokes
Give to the organization financially, physically and prayerfully.
Bro Schaffer Governing Body helper giving talk Jehovah is taking action.
200 Regional Translation Offices RTOs are being built.
Bro Crast? Talk about Coping with the world
Dont be jealous of people going on vacations and concerts and having a good time because they are "terminally ill" and are going to die. We should pity them. Cuz we are gonna live forever. (Fucking cult!!)
Bro Morris Governing Body member giving talk 'is your family a spiritual family?'
Morris is going to give counsel to families. Going to quote publications so if we have a problem with it we can take it up with God. (So publications are now God's words??)
Spiritual families visit bethel. If you haven't you need to do it. (The JW Mecca?)
World makes it hard to make ends meet with taxes. (Hidden Republican?)
If your kids fall out of the truth it is the parent's fault. (holy shit he is actually saying this!)
Sisters shouldn't marry brothers who are not Ministerial Servants. Sisters will pay for that bad decision.
We need to dress appropriately. Some sisters are wearing skin tight "spanks" when exercising. It's not appropriate. Some brothers are doing the metro sexual look. Wearing tight suits and tight pants. One brother was "man enough" that he told a brother that he wasn't doing service until he took his dress off.
The homosexuals design the clothes and like brothers in tight pants. (OMG he is saying it again)
Counsel on entertainment. No violent movies or videogames. No spiritism. No vampire movies.
Brothers who repeat prayers where their children know what they are going to say "is just sad" (So encouraging! /s)
Bible studies are down
If you don't go in service you have blood on your hands. Some might say some brothers are just going through a hard time and may be inactive. But Jehovah understands. Morris said what Jehovah are they talking about? That's not the Jehovah I know. (Jehovah doesn't care if you're going through a hard time! Go in service!)
K it is over. No announcements. Just Moronic Morris III strikes again. And they focused more on the helpers of the governing body which I thought was interesting. They had a video of some of them at the beginning and then when each one was about to give a talk they read off their long title and on which committee they were in. Looks like they want some of the spotlight as well. -
Im not really sure how other JWs took it, but my wife is the type of person to extract the "good" from a talk and forget the rest. Even she had to admit the 23 year old MS thing was crazy. I also got her to agree that much of what he said would never appear in any publication and was his opinion.
She said he is one of those people who is a loose cannon. You never know what they are going to say.
cha ching
O.... M.... G....
I am sooooooooooooooooo glad I am OUT!!!
@BU2B, remind your wife that that "loose cannon" is one who will rule over her during the 1000 years. He is one of those "kings".