after that we could all drive up to Patterson and throw rotting chicken parts on their property. No, on second though, they'd just wind up as dinner the next day at Walkill. How ya doin Bendrr.
JoinedPosts by gitasatsangha
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron inyou'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron inyou'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
If they were primarily interested in money they would encourage American members to forget about their unproductive service .
If they were really One People from among all the nations, the leaders would be making sure that they all had a chance out of Poverty. It's easy to take donations and say "Wait upon Jehovah! The hour is near!" Hour my ass.
What they are doing with this article is very clear. The WTS main areas of growth are now in third-world countries, but the donations are mostly from dwindling numbers in first world countries. This is going to be long term problem for the Society and they know it. They are basically telling the poorer witnesses to pay up, now. Kill them chickens and give the money to Jehovah! Just like this poor little dead black kid did
oh and on the subject of donations: I donate blood.
Why is there death and suffering?
by hooberus inwhy is there death and suffering?
a biblical perspective.
Christians are pretty iconoclastic, but they won't let go of their final idol, the bible. I
OMG! The Baptists!
by Ghosthunter inlast night, around 6:00, a couple of well-dressed young men knocked at my door.
i didn't think they were jw's, as they weren't carrying bookbags and they didn't have the "stepford jw" look.
but, i made my hub answer the door anyway.
Baptists do believe in proselytizing, however their methods of doing so vary from subsect to subsect, or from person to person for that matter.
Were they those cool (in an uncool way) Jack Chick comics they were handing out?
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron inyou'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
I'm having this wierd vision of the Governing Body members dressed up like the Fidelity Fiduciary Bank executives in Mary Poppins singing "Tuppence, Wisely Invested in the Bank" trying to get Michael to give up his coins.
What's in your Magic Bag?
by Valis inme and the csg took off yesterday and went to cedar hill state park..just for a little camping and food over the fire.. oh and since we're talking about camping...i have this big blue bag (the magic bag) that i keep most of my camping utensils in...and stuff i find or think i might need someday while out and about in the favorite thing to find in the magic bag is there's still some popcorn to pop leftover from last time!....what's in your magic bag?.
district overbeer "prodigal sassquatch" class
knife, tin of tobacco, spare pipe, lighter, some wire, a slim-fast bar, not much.
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron inyou'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
I guess it was justa matter of time. The Watchtower HAD to start their own Nigerian Spam Money Scam.
Who actually did the disfellowshipping?
by barbar in.
when i was disfellowshipped, i was really looking for a way out, although i did not want to be disfellowshipped, it was easier than making the break on my own.. i appreciate that many are distraught when they get df'd, but was the actual meeting controlled by the elders or you?.
how many were really in control of the meeting and knew that being disfellowshipped was actually a way of ensuring that you would get no more hassle from the elders?
I hadnt been to a meeting in quite some time, and I lived in a new city. I just wrote a letter stating that I did not want to be considred in any way connected with the organization Jehovah's Witnsses. I never heard back from an elder, and I honestly never expect too. At the last congregation I ever attended, they barely knew my name (even thought I attended pretty regularly and went out in field service for awhile). (Probably wasn't rich enough) I have sometimes got a chuckle wondering what their reaction was when they got the letter:
"Ohhh.kay.. does anyone remember who this guy was? Oh.. that guy. Well allright He'd wormfood at armageddon. Make an announcement on Thursday, will ya, Brother Foster. Next!"
How would you protect an oil tanker in the South China Seas?
by Celtic inoften peoples thoughts of cornwall in times gone by are of swashbuckling pirates and other such things.
certainly these activities used to go on a great deal even to the point where lights would be hung on lanterns on clifftops during storms to lure ships to their fate on the rocky shoreline below, then to plunder the ship of it's goods, the ships captain obviously believing that the lights signified a safe anchorage.. ---.
they say that everything starts with ideas.. now this is only a semi serious post, but i just thought, i would post it for schenalligans fun to see others responses.. piracy in the modern world is as much a serious threat today as it was in times gone past.
Oh well. I'll have to take my hook and pegleg back to the store now. I hope I get a refund.
I'm almost never serious, although I do put up a good front.
How would you protect an oil tanker in the South China Seas?
by Celtic inoften peoples thoughts of cornwall in times gone by are of swashbuckling pirates and other such things.
certainly these activities used to go on a great deal even to the point where lights would be hung on lanterns on clifftops during storms to lure ships to their fate on the rocky shoreline below, then to plunder the ship of it's goods, the ships captain obviously believing that the lights signified a safe anchorage.. ---.
they say that everything starts with ideas.. now this is only a semi serious post, but i just thought, i would post it for schenalligans fun to see others responses.. piracy in the modern world is as much a serious threat today as it was in times gone past.
This aint Waterworld. Heh heh. Pirates are theives and like any thieves they have to steal something easilly transportable and be able to get away fast. To steal oil they'd need to have their own tanker. Maybe not a supertanker, but at least something big enough to make it worth their while. I would imagine pirates would be more interested in intercepting ships which they know contain easilly accessable drugs (legal or otherwise), gold boullion, yellowcake, etc.
It's hard to rob a container ship. You don't have the craines to remove and go through each container to find what you want, and most cargo is shipped by container box now. You can't really kidnap anyone. Unless you are pirating the Queen Mary 2, its going to be hard to find anyone of substance on the high seas worth kidnapping for ransom.
About the only reason to attack an oil tanker is to prevent your enemy from having supplies. If you are not an organized country doing the attacking you will either be labelled a guerilla or a terrorist depending on your religion and political affiliation. The main method for doing that would be to either attack it from the air, either in a suicide dive bomb, place mines in its path, or attack it with a suicide gunboat.
To defend from those things, you'd probably need adequate radar on board, SAM batteries, enough 75mm guns to keep all perimeters covered with opposing fields of fire, if possible, because if a big whale like a supertanker is hit it has no evasive manouvers. That all costs money, of course. It might just ne easier to loose a tanker and let the insurance take a hit.