Why is there death and suffering? a Biblical perspective
by hooberus 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why is there death and suffering? a Biblical perspective
If you can't be bothered to paste it here, i can't be bothered to go there.
To answer your questions: death is natural. Everything is born/planted, grows, and then dies. It's all around us in nature. Simple, really.
There are two kinds of suffering: physical and mental/emotional. Physical is generally part of the death process. From the time we are born, our cells start their downward voyage. This can be observed in nature as well.
Menyal/emotional suffering is a little bit harder to explain. I think that it is the result of resisting natural processes. For instance, people are fed a fantasy perfect ideal, like a paradise, perfect health, or everlasting life. Then when they get sick, or whatever, they feel that it is somehow wrong, it is the fault of the devil, that they have been bad, or that they shouldn't be sick if things were the way that they are supposed to be. If a sick person accepted sickness as a normal thing for him/her, then they need not have the extra suffering that it was an injustice as a result of adams sin, or satans conniving. Not to say that the person wouldn't try to get cured. Buddhists could explain this very well.
Come on satanus, click the link and save bandwith charges and slow loading.
On second thoughts, don't bother it dosen't work - leastways not for me
Sorry didn't get to the link But here is what I think about it :
Because we've learned to be selfcentered and dédicated to a God or Gold for salvation instead of Mother Nature wich is the true mother we are borne from ... and when you learn to respect everything from dust ... to whatever it become you just can't forget about everything else.
I'm not sure God likes what we do with is creation while workship him for salvation and forget about everything our brothers included !
And what a terrible surperiority complex the human beign have in feeling that we are above everything on this planet ... (technically and for God and Mother Nature - however God, or Mother Nature are for good).
Why is there death and suffering? a Biblical perspectivehttp://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2002/death_suffering.asp
nearly the same BS [Belief System] as JWs, which over looks some very key points.
1. if God knew everything in advance, freewill is a joke and there is nothing which God is not responsible for, especially the sufferings.
2. just about every law in existance including the biblical ones, hold a person [which would included God] accountable if they knew a crime was about to be perpetrated and they do nothing to prevent it.... see Accessory there is NO valid excuse for a father to not intervene and stop his child from committing murder if he knows what the child is going to do.
3. The bible god has very little respect for life, ordering the murder of any child who will not submit to parental brainwashing [deut 21] and defenseless women and children of non-believers just because they lost wars and pose a threat to believers [numbers 31]
[see also luke 19:27].
4. The earth is a needlessly dangerous planet, not the best example of perfect planning and workmanship for a paradise... if the believers are correct it has been hit by asteroids causing massive devastations, not ever so many millions of years, but within the last 6000 years... not to forget the flooding and earthquakes which routinely end the life of millions every year.... slum lord god[s] deserve no respect
Well resumed ZN ! ...
the more I hear about the God of the bible and the more I can feel his human failures !
Christians are pretty iconoclastic, but they won't let go of their final idol, the bible. I
: Why is there death and suffering?
Because if there weren't you would never have asked that question. This board would never have existed. The Watchtower religion would have never existed, and neither of us would probably ever have existed.
But because we do exist, then in part we can give thanks to death and suffering.
I like these two pictures:
Few people give God the 'benefit of the doubt.'
Human death was forced on us. God is working out the problem and will correct it.
Few people give God the 'benefit of the doubt.' Human death was forced on us. God is working out the problem and will correct it.
Shit, if God is all knowing and all powerfull, and will correct the problem,,doesn't inspire us with confidence. Since the problem kinda tell us he isn't all knowing and all powerful. And if you piss him off he will just zap you either to hell or death, like he did at the flood or the poor jews at 70 AD.