Poor kid probably died of malnourishment or malaria. Maybe his folks could have sold the goddamned chickens and bought some vitamins or a mosquito net. Oh well, Jehovah loves the Widow's Mite.
but I'm just speculating.
you'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
Poor kid probably died of malnourishment or malaria. Maybe his folks could have sold the goddamned chickens and bought some vitamins or a mosquito net. Oh well, Jehovah loves the Widow's Mite.
but I'm just speculating.
no, i'm not leaving the military, but i am job hunting.
here's the deal my job is as a small group leader for the advanced noncommissioned officer's course (ancoc).
the army, as of 1 oct 04 is canceling phase 1 of ancoc.
I know it's no joke, pal. I was just ribbing you a bit. When I was a kid I met an old merchant-marine who had the misfortune of being in the South China Sea where their boat got too close to one of the Spratly Islands. It's really like the old china under the warlords.. pirates, china-white runners, gunboats, and every country and their dog claiming a piece of these little islands, many of which got ..
anyway I'm rambling.
in my ongoing series of new kingdom melodies: .
song 312: jah knows i'm miserable now.
i was happy in the haze of my bethel days.
Witness Heart, Witless Mind (Irish Blood, English Heart)
Witness Heart, Witless Mind
This I'm Made of
Its only "the World" that I'm afraid of
and no one or thing can reason with me
I've been dreaming of a time when
to be J-Dub is not to be baneful
to be standing with my mag, not feeling shameful
mysoginist or painful
Witness Heart, Witless Mind
This I'm Made of
and it's only "the World" that I'm afraid of
and I will die long before paradise
I've been dreaming of a time when
we are Sick to Death
of Apostates and Hardliners
and spit upon the name of Freddy Franz
and denounce the oligarchy that still salute him
and will salute him
no, i'm not leaving the military, but i am job hunting.
here's the deal my job is as a small group leader for the advanced noncommissioned officer's course (ancoc).
the army, as of 1 oct 04 is canceling phase 1 of ancoc.
Well, I dunno about Celtic's suggestion you become a South China Seas mercenary (I hear their boats are a lot of junks.. get it.. I don't get it), but I do hope your wife gets better soon.
which books helped you when you first left the jw organisation?.
and if in australia, where can i get them?.
also what exactly does "the borg" mean?
You can buy it from Amazon.com. I think they ship to your folks underneth the world. :-)
Remember, truth is found inside you, not in a book.
well i would love to picket some conventions in north and south carolina, i live in tennessee and the closest one away is johnson city about 80 miles from me, however there is a good possibility that some of my witness relatives from ky might be attending there.
the next closest ones to me would be winston-salem nc, columbia sc, or birmingam alabama.
these other locations are just a little too far for me right now and with gas so expensive i just dont think i could afford the extra expense right now.
howabout leaving information on websites where they can get it WHEN they are ready for it, and not trying to shove ideas down peoples throats the same way we did when we were JWs?
Its all become clear to met lately, that most JW's really were mentally ill, and that not being a JW doesn't make them well again.
we recently had a situation on the site which some may have heard about and want to explain what has transpired and also to clarify our policy in case a similar situation arises again.
a few days ago we received a 'complaint' that someone had been the victim of another poster who was was using the forum to stalk women as some kind of sexual predator.
naturally, as it was a serious allegation, we promised to investigate the matter and the personal friend who the person had approached suggested that they should send the evidence to me and that it would be dealt with.
and here I am actively wanting to be stalked, hopefully by Geena Davis or Andie McDowell, but I am not picky.
oh well. watched pot never boils. Keep up the good work, Simon!
I dont much care what they do with my body. Put a smile on my face, electoplate me and set me up in the living room, for all I care. Whatever is cheap so the money can mostly go to my kids, and burial is usually not cheap. I've been thinking of donating body to a univeristy. Typically there are far fewer expenses that way, and something good can come of me for a change ;)
well i would love to picket some conventions in north and south carolina, i live in tennessee and the closest one away is johnson city about 80 miles from me, however there is a good possibility that some of my witness relatives from ky might be attending there.
the next closest ones to me would be winston-salem nc, columbia sc, or birmingam alabama.
these other locations are just a little too far for me right now and with gas so expensive i just dont think i could afford the extra expense right now.
Well I live in Tennessee and I used to play mandilin, never was too good at it, but lately I just strum on a dulcymore..
oh wait.. I thought you meant "pickers"
nah. I never could understand what makes people want do that. Picketing, I mean. I dont think it has any effect. To me it always seemed like the Innter Witness still looking for a preaching outlet. I could be wrong though. Probably am. For what its worth, I really like Johnson City, but they had an elder there used to bug the hell out of me. I forget his name. Sounded scientist-y. My ex was in Johnson City too, I mean that's where she lived before we got married. I used to live in Kingsport. Been thinking on and off about moving back. Used to be another poster on here.. Francois, once lived up in Northeast Tenn too, but I don't think he posts here anymore.
soggy peanut-butter-n-jelly dunked in chocolate milk.
But not as much as I used to. Rarely, really. I must be growin up.